Israeli military issues warning to Gazans to evacuate south ahead of ground operation

7 months ago

Israeli military issues warning to Gazans to evacuate south ahead of ground operation.
Attention, citizens of Gaza, listen carefully. This is an urgent military advisory from the Israel Defense Forces for your immediate safety. We urge all residents of Northern Gaza and Gaza City to temporarily relocate South. Let me repeat: we urge all residents of Northern Gaza and Gaza City to relocate South immediately. This is a temporary measure; moving back to Northern Gaza will be possible once the intense hostilities end. Hamas puts your life in danger by placing weapons and forces within civilian areas in Gaza, including schools.
Masks and hospitals. The impending IDF operation is set to neutralize these threats of Hamas with precision and intensity. Humanity remains haunted by the massacre unleashed by Hamas on October 7th—a massacre of innocent lives. Israeli men, women, children, and babies were beheaded, executed, raped, and burnt alive. We won't forget that and the kidnapping of over 200 Israelis. We will not forget. To the residents of Northern Gaza and Gaza City, your window to act is closing. Move south for your own safety. Move South. This is not a mere precaution.
It is an urgent plea for the safety of the civilians in Gaza.
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#Gaza safety advisory#Israel Defense Forces alert#Northern Gaza relocation#Urgent civilian plea#Temporary relocation measures#Hostility end strategies#Hamas threat neutralization#Civilian safety precautions#IDF precision operation#Gaza civilian protection#School safety in Gaza#Humanity and Gaza massacre#October 7th tragedy#Innocent lives lost#Israeli civilian dangers#Beheadings in Gaza#Executions by Hamas#Rape and burn atrocities#Kidnapping of Israelis#Remembering October 7th#Over 200 Israelis kidnapped#Northern Gaza risks#Gaza City safety#Urgent relocation message#Safety measures in Gaza#IDF mission intensity#Gaza civilian urgency#Masks and hospital safety#Gaza humanitarian crisis#IDF protective measures#Civilian safety in Gaza#Intense hostilities in Gaza#Urgent Gaza evacuation#Gaza City relocation#IDF and Hamas conflict#Precise IDF operation#Gaza civilian protection plea#Humanitarian appeals Gaza#Urgency for Gaza civilians#Southern relocation call#Gaza safety measures#IDF neutralizing threats#Intensity of IDF operation#Gaza civilian protection plea#Hamas threat awareness#IDF measures for Gaza safety#Gaza civilian security#Safety of civilians in Gaza#Urgent plea for Gaza residents#IDF protective actions#Gaza civilian evacuation#Safety precautions in Gaza#Northern Gaza safety alert#Gaza City relocation advice#IDF mission for Gaza safety#Urgent safety plea Gaza residents

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