HATE is NOT The Opposite of LOVE. HATE is DEFENSE of the LOVED.

7 months ago

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Hate is not the opposite of love. Hate is defense of the loved.
The world-wide incorrect belief that love and hate are opposites causes critical social suffering because it results in the incorrect fundamental conclusion that hate is bad, which then leads to well-meaning social policies that actually produce harm because they forbid the defense of what a society rightfully loves, and actually keeps the society healthy and unified. Thus, social health demands that a highest priority be placed on propagating the following fact: Hate is not the opposite of love. Hate is defense of the loved. (As an aside, the opposite of love is fear. That explanation is beyond the scope of this discussion.)
We see it everywhere—slogans such as “Stop the hate.” and “Hate has no home here.” and in the concepts “hate speech” and “hate crime”. And we see it indirectly in insane slogans such as “Love your enemies.” and “Turn the other cheek”. The fact is that if your strategy is to champion love by loving your enemies by not defending against them, and turn the other check when they attack you, they will destroy you, and thus your championing of love will permanently end.
We can witness the glaring incongruity of the actions of the people who promote these anti-hate concepts. These people are the political left, and in the United States these are the Democrats. Nothing is more evident than the abundant and passionate hatred by the Democrats for any who oppose them. Behold the still unceasing intense torrent of hate Democrats direct at President Donald Trump. When one understands that hate is defensive love, the motivation of the Democrats’ behavior is clear—they deeply love progressing towards their communist idea of utopia. Donald Trump directly and effectively antagonizes that communist progress in both his policies and also his demonstration of what he believes is acceptable social demeanor; thus, it makes perfect sense that they feel deep hatred for him—this is a clear example of defensive love, and also utter hypocrisy.
Now, the deeply consequential point is that the resulting social policies stemming from the incorrect condemnation of hate causes an inability to defend that which is rightly loved. Currently, this incorrect condemnation of hate combined with the West’s recent intense cultural communism, is resulting in a maximally immoral and tragic, horrific result. The white race’s maximally correct normal moral and healthy hate against the very apparent, overt, and aggressive destruction of the white race’s culture in their homelands, and verifiable genocide of the white race itself, is resoundingly condemned and silenced. In short, the incorrect conclusion that hate is bad is causing the White culture and race to be eliminated from the Earth.
This current Western communism has made its citizenry so mentally sick that they are unable to even contemplate that the forces which are rapidly destroying their native cultures, and literally the white race itself, are to be rightly hated and maximally fought against. When anyone states that whites have a right to hate and act upon their hatred of the selfish invasion of millions of deeply foreign brown and black races that are necessarily destroying their rights, their economy, their culture, and their living and breeding space, the Democrat communists immediately socially destroy him exactly because they are so deeply sick with confusion locked inside an impenetrable seal of hubris. These Democrat communists’ brains have been permanently irreversibly prevented from digesting new data or thinking logically. Indeed it is a terrifying fate. These once hopeful free-thinking humans are now uncurable zombies programmed to solely execute ends-justify-the-means progress toward communist utopia. That’s it. This can be verified any time by experiencing a discussion with a Democrat. There is no possible way of revealing to them the genocidal situation they are imposing on the white race. Democrats are now literally irredeemable communist genocidal monsters. I will repeat, Democrats are now literally irredeemable communist genocidal monsters.
What can be done about this situation? If the white race and culture is to survive, at least what can be done is to educate those still capable of rational thought that hate for foreign invasion is absolutely morally correct. Hate for anything that is antagonistic to the survival of the white race and culture is to be embraced as utterly maximally moral, and thus acted upon. Dr Jay Lifton stated “If somebody is kept confessing, you can achieve control of his guilt and shame mechanisms. There is no greater control that one can achieve over another human being.” We must stop this oppression by shame dynamic by head-on refuting the false premise that hate is bad. Hate is extremely good. Hate is literally defense of the loved. We must right now defend our right to hate that which is aggressively destroying our race and its culture.
When a Democrat or anyone demands that you “Stop the hate!” or “Hate has no home here!”, reply to them. “Hate is defense of the loved. Democrat pure evil has no power over me.”

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