(22) The Judgment Seat

7 months ago

Chapter 22: The Judgment Seat

The Victor towered above everyone in an elevated judgment seat like that of a great king. The Victor wore a white robe with a golden sash across it that seemed to signify his victory. The Victor held a scepter that looked like it had a golden serpent spiraling around it with an emerald jewel at the top end of it. There seemed to be a circular rainbow extending all the way around the Victor made of all different greenish shades of colors that I had never seen before.

It was a very tall rectangular building. The judgment seat was up high in the center of the short wall of a tall stretched rectangular building. There were a set doors with bright light emanating from them in the lower corner to the Victor’s right and a small opening leading to a dimly lit hallway in the lower corner to the Victor’s left. The other two walls seemed to stretch endlessly in the other direction, so that the far wall could not be seen. There were people queued up one by one with a long line of ladies followed by a long line of men that seemed to have no end.

The people seemed to be potential war criminals who were brought one by one before the Victor’s judgment seat. The ladies went first followed by the men. The walls were made of white marble with writing etched into it. The writing etched into the walls seemed to be all the laws that the potential war criminals could be charged with violating. These words etched into the wall seemed intimidating as if they were an army of medieval armored soldiers that the people must pass through before they reach the judgment seat.

A lady stood before the judgment seat. She stood erect with her eyes fixed on the Victor. “I know this one. This one is one of mine.”, the Victor said. The Victor then raised his arm and pointed his scepter directly toward the person, “You are pardoned of all war crimes and your sin is expiated”. Then a beam of glowing white light emanated from the scepter that seemed to stretch all way until it entered the lady’s mouth and seemed to overflow glowing brilliantly white out her eyes and ears. The lady’s face seemed to glow as she smiled in what seemed like euphoric bliss. The Victor then said in a commanding voice, “You may enter the eternal society and receive an inheritance. Move to my right and your life will be reviewed and appraised. Your eternal rewards and spoils of war will then be rendered to you.” The lady then happily proceeded to the Victor’s right and quickly disappeared through a tall set of doors with bright white light emanating from it.

Another lady then stepped before the judgment seat. She stood there trembling with her eyes downcast. “I do not know this one. This one is not mine”, the Victor said. The Victor then the banged the bottom of the scepter against the ground making an echoing sound like a gavel, “your guilt remains and your soul is forfeit. Your life is now extinguished. ”Then a glowing orb that looked like a ball of green light seemed to be torn out of the lady’s chest. The glowing green orb then flew toward the scepter staff and seemed to enter the emerald jewel. The lady’s face seemed to dissolve and all traces of her identity disappeared until her form solidified as a shadowy generic female figure. The Victor then said in a commanding voice, “Depart from me. You are rejected from entering the eternal society. You will be escorted to my left and your life will be reviewed and critiqued. Charges will be brought against you for your war crimes committed during the temporal war, and you will be given the choice to plead insane or guilty. If you plead guilty, you will be sentenced to the lake of burning torment for all eternity, and you will be punished for each of your war crimes without exception. If you plead insane, you will be quarantined alone in outer darkness where your madness will not be able to infect anyone ever again for all eternity.” A fierce looking warrior angel holding a flaming sword then appeared with what looked like a wisp of dark smoke and escorted what was left of the lady toward the Victor’s left and slowly disappeared through a small opening leading to a dimly lit hallway.

The process continued with the ladies. One by one the ladies stood before the judgment seat. Once the process concluded for the ladies, the process continued with the men. I seemed to be somewhere in the middle of the line. The people in line were reserved and completely silent like when a person of great authority walks into a room. The people in line seemed to be reading what was etched into the walls. The process proceeded slowly and seemed to take a long time. It was not rushed at all as if there was an endless amount of time. No one seemed to ever get tired, and no one seemed impatient. Eventually, it was my turn to stand before the judgment seat. I stood erect with my eyes fixed on the Victor, and it seemed like time stopped. The Victor’s gaze seemed to peer deeply into my heart and soul penetrating my innermost being. My life flashed before my eyes, and in the silence I already knew what the Victor was about to say. Then the Victor’s commanding voice broke the silence “I…

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