How to Grow Mushrooms at Home in Buckets with Holes

7 months ago

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How to Grow Mushrooms at Home in Buckets with Holes

Mushroom cultivation at

Mushroom cultivation at home can be a rewarding and eco-friendly hobby that allows you to enjoy the delicious taste of fresh, homegrown mushrooms. One of the simplest and most efficient methods for cultivating mushrooms is by using buckets with holes. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of growing mushrooms at home using straw, water, and mushroom seeds. Follow these instructions to enjoy a bountiful harvest of your own mushrooms in just a few weeks.

Materials Needed:

Large pot for boiling
Mushroom seeds (spawn)
Plastic buckets with holes
Clean cloth or lid for covering the buckets
Watering can or spray bottle
A cool, dark place for incubation

Step 1: Preparing the Straw

Begin by gathering a sufficient amount of straw. Wheat straw or oat straw works well for mushroom cultivation. Cut the straw into small pieces, around 2-4 inches in length.

Step 2: Boiling the Straw

Place the chopped straw in a large pot and fill it with water. Bring the water to a boil and let it simmer for a period of time to sterilize the straw. After boiling, allow the straw to cool down to room temperature.

Step 3: Acquiring Mushroom Seeds

Purchase mushroom seeds,

Purchase mushroom seeds, also known as mushroom spawn, from a reputable supplier. You can choose from a variety of mushroom species such as oyster, shiitake, or white button mushrooms, depending on your preference.

Step 4: Layering Straw and Mushroom Seeds

Take your plastic bucket with holes and start by adding a layer of the cooled, boiled straw to the bottom. Next, evenly spread a layer of mushroom seeds on top of the straw. Repeat this layering process until the bucket is nearly full, finishing with a layer of straw on top. Make sure the layers are evenly distributed for optimal mushroom growth.

Step 5: Incubation

Cover the bucket with a clean cloth or a lid with small holes to allow for air circulation. Place the bucket in a cool, dark location with temperatures ranging from 70°F to 75°F (21°C to 24°C). During the incubation period, the mycelium (the mushroom’s root system) will start to colonize the straw.

Step 6: Daily Watering

To ensure a successful mushroom harvest, you’ll need to keep the straw consistently moist. Water the mushrooms once or twice a day using a watering can or a spray bottle. Be careful not to overwater, as excessive moisture can lead to contamination.

Step 7: Harvesting

After approximately 21 days, you’ll start to see mushroom pins (tiny mushroom primordia) forming on the surface of the straw. Continue to maintain the moisture levels. As the pins grow, they will develop into mature mushrooms. Harvest the mushrooms by gently twisting and pulling them from the substrate when they reach their desired size.

Step 8: Continued Harvesting

You can continue to harvest mushrooms for several weeks after the initial harvest, as new pins will continue to develop on the substrate. Be sure to harvest the mushrooms before they release spores, as spores can negatively affect future mushroom crops.


Growing mushrooms at home requires attention to detail and proper sterilization to prevent contamination. It’s essential to exercise caution and adhere to safety guidelines when handling potentially contaminated materials or consuming homegrown mushrooms. If you have any doubts or concerns, consult with local experts or mycology professionals for guidance.


Growing mushrooms at home using buckets with holes is a satisfying and relatively simple process. By following these instructions, you can enjoy a steady supply of fresh, homegrown mushrooms throughout the year. Experiment with different mushroom species and techniques to expand your culinary horizons and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Happy mushroom growing!

For a visual demonstration of the mushroom cultivation process described in this article, you can watch the step-by-step guide in this video:

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