Did You Know Tiger Sharks #tigersharks subscribe for more ❤️

7 months ago

Yep, now it's the right video (if you know, you know) 1. The surface of its skin is covered with tiny teeth-like structures which are thought to reduce friction with water as it swims. Recent research also suggests that other marine creatures, including fish and other sharks, rub up against tiger sharks to chafe parasites from their own skin! 2. Like many of its fishy relatives, it has small pits on its snout which hold a network of sensing organs called ampullae of Lorenzini. These detect electric fields, including the weak impulses emitted by prey. 3. They are opportunistic predators and have a reputation for eating almost anything. Their diet includes fish, seals, birds, turtles, dolphins, and even other smaller sharks. They are sometimes referred to as "garbage cans of the sea." 4. It has very sharp saw-like serrations on all its teeth, which have distinctive sideways-pointing tips. This allows the tiger shark to slice through its prey, even cutting through hard turtle shells. As is the case for most sharks, new teeth replace worn-out ones throughout its life. 5. Tiger sharks are considered one of the "Big Three" species responsible for the majority of shark attacks on humans, alongside great white sharks and bull sharks. However, the actual number of attacks is relatively low compared to the frequency of human-shark interactions.

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