Kelly Noonan Gores | Heal: Awaken the Powerful Healer Within | Wellness Force #Podcast

4 years ago

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"You need all the power you can get to heal and you need life force energy and if you're in victimhood, if you feel powerless that something is happening to you, that your body is breaking down or these tumors are out of control or whatever, that's going to hinder your healing. So, the more we learn about all of this, the more we can take our power back." - Kelly Noonan Gores 

Are you ready to discover your unlimited potential and awaken the powerful healer from within?

Director of the HEAL Documentary and author of the book, HEAL, Kelly Noonan Gores, shares the back story behind the filming, how to decipher the charlatans from the real deal healers in this world, and how to honor the mystery that is life.

Learn how to shift your belief systems, uncover evidence to support them, create new neural pathways, and break the negative cycle in your line of heritage.

[1:30] You Are Not Alone On Your Healing Journey

-What the documentary means to her and why she decided to release the book.
-The blending of Eastern and Western medicine in our modern world. (9:30)
-Stress and pressure that doctors face today in the Western medicine healthcare system and how they're shifting to continue helping patients on their own terms.
-Why receiving criticism can actually be exciting as it means that it's triggered someone to consider a new idea about something.

[13:45] The Healing Shift In Humanity

-How the concept of healing has changed through the progress of humanity.
-What it means to be a modern guru in the world we have today and how to tell them from the false idols.
-Why conscious content like HEAL has to compete to get its message out there with all the negativity and fear attacking the human psyche.
-Exploring psychoneurology the concept of how our thoughts can impact our wellbeing and healing process.
-The biggest learning curve for her from embodying this rich education during and after the filming of HEAL.

[18:00] Unpacking The Law Of Attraction

-Unpacking the law of attraction and diving deep into the idea that, "the feeling becomes the healing." (18:00)
-How our belief systems are built and then lead to specific behaviors that we act on.
-The fact that we live in a world of infinite possibilities and how we can begin to actually see it and believe it.
-What inspired her to lead a career in film as an actress, writer, producer, and director.
-How Rev. Michael Beckwith's message confirmed her belief that it was her calling to create HEAL.

[25:00] Is This Happening For Me?

-Steps to truly believing that the desire you have in your heart comes from every single ability to see it realized and to trust that.
-The challenge she faced to let a close friend go from the production of HEAL because of so many ongoing conflicts with other team members.
-Why disease comes into our lives to present us with unique challenges and show us what we're not yet free from in life.
-Changing from the perspective from, "Is something happening to me" to "Is this happening for me?" (29:00)
-Why there is a biological reward to faith according to Dr. Bruce Lipton.
-Looking past the epigenetics we were born with and changing our perception of the beliefs we've been handed down.
-How we can break the cycle of epigenetic beliefs and factors in our family history.
-Why our thought patterns might not be our own but passed down to us from our family or even a past life.

[38:00] The Transformational World Of Breathwork

-Different modalities discussed in HEAL including breathwork.
-What deep experiences Josh has had with connecting to his grandfather and his life during breathwork practices.
-Why Kelly herself is such an advocate for breathwork practice in one's wellness journey.
-What it means to "do the work" in one's life and get to know yourself so that you can make necessary changes to thrive.
-How to shift your belief systems, seek evidence to support that, create new neural pathways, and break the negative cycle.
-What is next for her after the launch and success of the HEAL documentary.


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