Chris Cuomo Slams Nashville Authorities' Refusal To Release Trans Shooter's Manifesto

6 months ago

On Monday night, the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department confirmed that leaked pages of the Nashville Covenant School shooter’s manifesto were indeed authentic. And while the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) and the liberal cable outlets (CNN and MSNBC) refused to acknowledge the leak, NewsNation’s Chris Cuomo took to his eponymous show that evening to call out the local authorities and proclaim “This is what you get when you're not transparent.” During his opening monologue, Cuomo teased that he would be discussing the manifesto and that he had strong criticisms of how it was handled. “What the manifesto supposedly says is being weaponized. Not a surprise. But I'll tell you one. I don't blame the fringe folk who are playing to advantage. That's the nature of our social media reality in our politics,” he lamented. “I blame the authorities for this latest controversy. And I'll tell you why.”

Finally getting around to the leaked manifesto pages in the latter half of the show, Cuomo huffed that the manifesto was going to be “weaponized” by “the right” because of the shooter’s hatred toward them. (…)

• Related: Twitchy - Two Officers Due to be Fired Over the Leak of the Nashville Trans Shooter's Manifesto
NewsBusters: Chris Cuomo SLAMS Nashville Authorities’ Refusal to Release Manifesto

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