Israel's lies get exposed again - they ARE targeting hospitals!

6 months ago

After a night of assaulting numerous hospitals in Gaza, Israel's alleged evidence for doing so gets debunked.
Right, so last night again, Israel have been deliberately targeting hospitals in Gaza, where refugees are assembling, unable to evacuate, sick people, babies in incubators who cannot go and the staff staying behind to treat them, standing by these people though it may cost them their own lives, one small display of humanity where otherwise there is none. The excuses given for these atrocities, for these deliberate strikes against civilian infrastructure, when Israel know that civilians are not just in these buildings, but concentrated in these buildings, is that Hamas are hiding amongst them, and therefore civilian casualties are unavoidable as they defend themselves, though how many of those casualties are acceptable versus the number of Hamas operatives they have successfully targeted they won’t tell us. Airstrikes around the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza, the Al-Nasr Children’s hospital - I’ll say again – children’s hospital was actually hit and more strikes around the Al-Shifa hospital, the largest hospital in Gaza. Israel have attempted to justify this with video proof of what they say is a Hamas tunnel in footage taken of the Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Hospital for Rehabilitation and Prosthetic Hospital, but as has been the case before, the truth is anything but what the Israeli Defence Force say it is.
Right, so yet more targeting of hospitals by Israel in Gaza has taken place, always on the word of the IDF, the Israeli Defence Force, saying there are legitimate targets there and nobody ever seems to question it in our media, it is just accepted that what they are saying is true, but with no attempt being made to avoid civilian casualties, the number of which has already topped 10,000, these are war crimes being carried out, whilst our leaders just sit there in silence and don’t say or do a thing about it. Israel has a right to defend itself they say, despite the fact they are openly bombing a small strip of land where half the population are under 18 and also under their occupation, also a war crime, also against international law, I really don’t see how they can call it self defence when they aren’t fighting back an enemy in their own territories, but there we go.
It was early on in the most recent military action, that an IDF spokesperson showed a conversation between two apparent Hamas operatives that turned out to have been two separate conversations clipped together to try and justify the airstrike on another hospital, the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital, which Israel vehemently denied, yet here we are with several being hit are airstrikes around the area seem designed not to deliberately target Hamas, but more to convince more people to move south, head towards the Egyptian border at Rafah, where they can then be pushed out of Gaza completely into the Sinai and complete the ethnic cleaning that appears to be happening before our eyes, again all under the auspices of rooting out Hamas. The Al-Nasr Children’s Hospital hit, tanks on the lawn trapping people in the Al-Nasiri Childrens hospital, just what is their deal with kids?

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