Kid Demonstrates Killer Skills At Arcade Basketball Hoops

6 years ago

Step down, Kevin Durant! A little Filipino kid has been swishing ball after ball at the arcade in Marilao in the Philippines, making just one miss during his 4 minute reign!

The InterNET is going wild over the kid’s skill and focus, as he dunks shot by shot while playing the All-Star Basketball arcade game. At first it seems that the whole thing is just a fluke; but nope - it is more than abundantly clear that the boy is dominating the game.

\With his eyes plastered at the hoop, the kid shoots ball after ball, not once losing his focus. The Netizens of the world have been hailing his impressive speed and accuracy, given how he never even looks down at the balls. His focus is that sharp!

By the end of the game, this little Pinoy all-star has racked up 934 points on the arcade. Naturally, Redditors are having a field trip with this clip!

One Reddit user wrote: 'Love this.' Another said: 'I use the same technique but she is more accurate.'

Speaking of Basketball All Stars, you have to check out little Enzo Lee! The now-6-year-old from Jacksonville, Florida is seen showing off his incredible ball-handling skill on the basketball court. The prodigy is shown showcasing some of his sweetest moves, including a formed jump shot, as well as his spider-dribbling skills.

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