Woman testifies that MEN can get pregnant and have abortions

6 months ago

Aimee Arrambide, an abortion activist, testified that men can have abortions.

Conservatives on Twitter expressed their utter shock and confusion at a viral clip taken from a Congressional hearing on abortion Wednesday in which an abortion activist told Congress that yes, men can get pregnant and have abortions.

The clip was taken from a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the topic of "Abortion Access and Care" and featured pro-abortion advocate Aimee Arrambide, executive director of the abortion rights nonprofit Avow Texas, answering questions from Rep. Dan Bishop, R-N.C.

During the exchange, the lawmaker asked Arrambide, "What do you say a woman is?"

The activist answered, with a progressive talking point. "I believe that everyone can identify for themselves," she said.

Bishop then followed up by asking, "Do you believe then that men can become pregnant and have abortions?"

Arrambide didn’t skip a beat, confidently answering, "Yes."

Many on Twitter were perplexed by this radical update to existing human biology, and either denounced or mocked it.

https://www.foxnews. com/media/abortion-activist-eviscerated-testifying-men-abortions

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