We Are ALL the Palestinians

6 months ago

Gaza isn't the only place they have bombed. How quickly we forget what the commie/Bolshevik Jews and their useful-idiot Shabbos Goy did to (TENS of MILLIONS of) us not a century ago. Well, we better remember and expose/stop these blood-thirsty bastards real soon or they will make Gaza and even World War 2 look like a walk in the park by comparison.

Want to see the true nature of the Jews? Just look at how they treat their closest cousins (the Palestinians), then imagine what they will do to the people they hate the most (White people). Or simply look back at what the Bolshevik Jews already did to us (or any/all other Jews throughout history), then know that they will repeat history (only worse) given half the opportunity to do so (and WW3 will give them all the opportunity and cover they need).

Gaza, Dresden, poverty, famine, disease, poisoned "wells" (food/water/air/medicine/etc), torture, and a new Red Terror wave of death is what awaits our children.

So stop holding back or mincing your words or worrying about the "good" Jews (where are they?). These evil demons want to poison everything, enslave/starve/torture/murder everyone you love, and destroy our world. They have proven themselves to be mass-murdering monsters all throughout history. What more will it take to get you to understand who we are dealing with and what they plan on doing to us all?

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