31hours of documentaries - Total breakdown of satans religion sunworship unbiblical Trinity, NASA & New Age

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We are through the one true non trinity G-d exposing the worlds three biggest lies and showing the true non trinity and non preexistent by G-d exalted man Messiah Jesus of the Bible that G-d has given us for our salvation and there is a war of satan in hiding the true Messiah Jesus that the churches and "jehovas witnesses" and New age are promoting and leading man away from his salvation. This temporary life is a trial for G-ds coming eternal kingdom that will soon be here on earth.


- Who G-d is (The unbiblicalTrinity that is Sun-Worship and A unbiblical Pre-existent "jesus" that is a gnostic religion)

- Earth "form" and cosmology (New Age Sun-worship cosmology "Helio-centrism" and worship of the CGI-Ball/"Baal")

- Earth age (Evolution/Darwinism) G-ds 7000year salvation plan micro to macro 7days creation of the world and the total length of his plan where 1day is as 1000years in the Bible and we are now in the end of 6000years and the Millenial reign is coming.

"The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all." - 1 Corinthians 15:26-28

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