Kitten tries walking with leash, fails adorably

6 years ago

It seems like there are many cats walking on a leash these days and it's not such an unusual thing any more. But people shouldn't take it for granted and expect that their little kitten will accept the leash instantly and walk like some cats in an online video. Oh no, there's a long process to get there and owners need to be patient and consistent with a leash training.

Cats, especially indoor cats, can benefit a lot if they are trained to walk on a leash. Outdoor activity can enhance their quality of life by providing additional mental and visual stimulation in a safe way. It enriches their lives with new experiences and can help maintain a healthier weight. Outdoor exploration can also boost cat's confidence, making them less stressed and more satisfied.

There are lots of advises and detailed steps on how to approach this matter but this video is not about that. It's about Jeremy the Ragdoll and his first ever experience with a leash. After some training he got much better and learned to walk on a leash like a professional but this is what it looked like the very first time. In short, it was funny, cute and unsuccessful! Basically this is what people can expect when they first put a leash on their cat. So remember to be patient with your cats, they need to be gently introduced to walking on a leash, and all those internet cats that are walking on a leash like it's a normal thing, didn't get there over the night but with lots of training.

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