Crime and Public Safety Panel ~ The Liberty Forum ~ 11-14-2023

6 months ago

Crime affects us ALL.

Be part of the growing solution that is stopping California's rampant crime waves!

A panel of experts with wide ranging law enforcement and public safety experience present ways to recover the rule of law in California. Learn how to use your voice to support law, order and common decency!


These expert panelists bring varying perspectives pertinent to the current criminal climate in California, specifically:
What is its impact on community law enforcement and in jails?
What is its impact on law enforcement morale and on public opinion?
How do the factors of falling sales tax revenue, deteriorating relationships with law enforcement, increased criminal brazenness and homelessness impact our communities?

What can YOU do to help?

Steve Cooley, LA County DA 2000-2012: Mr. Cooley hired over 400 new prosecutors during his tenure. Other notable achievements include: creating the Public Integrity Division to take on public corruption, the Justice System Integrity Division to focus on criminal misconduct by lawyers, law enforcement officers and the judiciary; and the High Technology Crime Division to address computer fraud cases. He also expanded and improved DNA technology to solve crimes and co-authored Prop. 69 to expand the state’s criminal offender DNA database. He is largely responsible for extraditing murderers and other violent criminals from Mexico for prosecution in the US.

Matt Ross is spokesperson for Californians Against Retail and Residential Theft (CARRT) and principal of Ross & Associates. He brings a unique perspective to public safety, with over two decades of experience in communications strategy, media relations, political campaigns, crisis management, and service in the California state Legislature. Prior to joining the Legislature, Matt successfully managed passing Prop. 21, the Juvenile Crime Preventions and Gang Initiative (2000). He also worked in the Attorney General’s Office as Chief Deputy Press Secretary, covering a variety of state issues including consumer law, crime and environmental protection.

Paul Kunkel is a 27-year law enforcement veteran and executive. He served as a San Mateo County Sheriff's Office captain and as Millbrae Chief of Police Services. He is currently contract assistant sheriff overseeing San Mateo County Sheriff's Office Corrections Division, Court Security and Transportation divisions. Paul has extensive investigations and special investigations (narcotics) experience and is a nationally recognized expert in methamphetamine production and correctional mental health. He is the author of A Cop's Simple Guide to Promotion Preparation and graduate of UC Santa Barbara (BA) and American Public University (MA).

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