Episode 1652: Books of the Bible - Tobit

6 months ago



The Book of Tobit is a deuterocanonical (Duter-Con-Onical)book, meaning that it is not included in the Hebrew Bible but is considered part of the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox canons. It is a story of faith, hope, and charity, set in the time of the Assyrian captivity. The book follows the story of Tobit, a pious Jew who is blinded and exiled to Nineveh. Despite his misfortunes, Tobit remains faithful to God and raises his son Tobias with strong moral values.

Plot Summary

The story begins with Tobit, a devout Jew living in Nineveh during the Assyrian captivity. Tobit faithfully follows God's law and buries the bodies of his fellow Israelites who have been killed by the Assyrians. One day, while burying a body, Tobit is blinded by bird droppings. As Tobit's blindness deepens, he becomes depressed and despairing.

Meanwhile, in Media, a distant relative of Tobit named Sarah is also suffering. She has been married seven times, but each of her husbands has died mysteriously on their wedding night. Sarah is convinced that she is cursed and destined for a life of misery.

Tobit, in his desperation, prays to God for mercy. God hears Tobit's prayer and sends the angel Raphael to assist him. Raphael appears to Tobit in the guise of a human traveler and offers to accompany Tobias on a journey to Media to collect a debt owed to Tobit. Raphael also instructs Tobias on how to cure Tobit's blindness and how to marry Sarah.

Tobias and Raphael set off on their journey, and Raphael teaches Tobias many valuable lessons along the way. Raphael also helps Tobias find a suitable wife, Sarah, and provides him with the means to cure his father's blindness. After a successful journey, Tobias and Sarah return to Nineveh, where Tobias cures his father's blindness and they all live happily ever after.


The Book of Tobit is a rich and complex story that explores a number of important themes, including:

Faith: Tobit's unwavering faith in God is a central theme of the story. Despite his blindness and exile, Tobit never loses hope or gives up on God. His faith is ultimately rewarded when he is cured of his blindness and reunited with his son.
Faith in God's providence: Tobit and Sarah both experience great suffering in their lives, but they never lose faith in God's providence. They believe that God has a plan for their lives, even if they cannot understand it.

Prayer and trust in God: Tobit and Sarah are both very prayerful people, and they find comfort and strength in their prayers. They trust that God will hear their prayers and answer them in His time.

Obedience to God's law: Tobit and Sarah are both devout Jews who are committed to obeying God's law. They believe that obedience to God's law is essential for a happy and fulfilling life.

Almsgiving and charity: Tobit is a generous man who is always willing to help others in need. He is known for his almsgiving and charity, and he is always willing to share what he has with others.

Hope in the midst of suffering: Tobit and Sarah never give up hope, even in the darkest of times. They believe that God will eventually deliver them from their suffering and restore them to happiness.

The importance of family: Tobit and Sarah both have strong family values, and they are committed to their families. They believe that family is one of the most important things in life, and they are always willing to sacrifice for their families.

The role of angels: The Book of Tobit is one of the few books in the Bible that features angels in a prominent role. The angel Raphael plays a key role in the story, and he is a reminder that God is always with us and that He will send us help when we need it.

These are just a few of the many faith themes that are explored in the Book of Tobit. The book is a rich and rewarding read for anyone who is interested in learning more about faith, hope, and charity.
Hope: The story of Tobit is a story of hope and perseverance. Despite the many challenges they face, Tobit and Tobias never give up hope. They believe that God has a plan for their lives and that things will eventually work out for the best.
he Book of Tobit is a poignant story of faith, hope, and resilience in the face of adversity, and the theme of hope is interwoven throughout the narrative. Despite enduring profound personal tragedies, Tobit, Sarah, and Tobias consistently demonstrate unwavering hope in God's redeeming power and the promise of a brighter future.

Tobit's Unwavering Hope

Tobit's life is marked by a series of misfortunes, including blindness, exile, and financial hardship. Yet, amidst these trials, Tobit never loses sight of his hope in God's goodness and mercy. He continues to pray fervently, practice charity, and adhere to God's law, even in his darkest moments. His unwavering hope serves as a beacon of light, illuminating the path towards redemption and restoration.

Sarah's Hope for Liberation

Sarah, plagued by a series of tragic marriages and the stigma of being a cursed widow, finds solace and hope in her prayers to God. Despite her despair, she refuses to succumb to hopelessness, clinging to the belief that God will intervene and deliver her from her suffering. Her unwavering hope exemplifies the power of faith to endure even in the most desolate circumstances.

Tobias's Hope for Success

Tobias, embarking on a perilous journey to collect a debt owed to his father, faces numerous challenges and dangers. However, he remains steadfast in his hope for success, guided by the wisdom and support of Raphael, the disguised angel. Tobias's unwavering hope serves as a testament to the strength of faith in overcoming obstacles and achieving one's goals.

The Collective Hope for Restoration

Throughout the story, the characters' individual hopes intertwine to form a collective hope for restoration. Tobit longs for healing, Sarah desires a fulfilling marriage, and Tobias seeks to provide for his family. Their shared hope binds them together, creating a powerful force that sustains them through their trials and tribulations.

The Significance of Hope

The Book of Tobit's emphasis on hope serves as a reminder that hope is an essential ingredient for survival and growth in the face of adversity. It is the unwavering belief in a brighter future that enables individuals to persevere through challenges and maintain a positive outlook on life.

The story's resolution, with the healing of Tobit, the marriage of Sarah and Tobias, and the restoration of their fortunes, underscores the transformative power of hope. It demonstrates that hope is not merely a fleeting emotion but a driving force that can shape one's destiny.

In conclusion, the Book of Tobit's exploration of hope serves as a beacon of inspiration, encouraging readers to embrace hope in the face of personal struggles and societal challenges. It reminds us that hope is not a passive sentiment but an active force that empowers us to overcome obstacles and pursue a brighter future.
Charity: Tobit is a compassionate and generous man who is always willing to help others in need. He risks his own life to bury the bodies of his fellow Israelites, and he is always generous to the poor and needy.
The Book of Tobit is a powerful testament to the transformative power of charity, demonstrating how acts of kindness and compassion can not only alleviate suffering but also bring about personal and spiritual transformation. Through the actions of its characters, the story highlights the importance of charity in fostering a just and compassionate society.

Tobit's Almsgiving and Righteousness

Tobit, despite his own financial hardship, consistently demonstrates a deep commitment to charity and almsgiving. He faithfully tithes his meager income, providing for the poor and needy in his community. His unwavering generosity, even in the face of personal adversity, serves as a model of true righteousness and compassion.

Raphael's Guidance and Practical Charity

Raphael, the disguised angel, not only provides spiritual guidance but also actively engages in acts of charity. He instructs Tobias on how to cure his father's blindness and helps him find a suitable wife, demonstrating the practical application of charity in alleviating physical and emotional suffering.

Sarah's Hospitality and Generosity

Sarah, despite her own sorrows and misfortunes, opens her home to Tobias, offering him hospitality and kindness. Her willingness to extend compassion to a stranger exemplifies the transformative power of charity in fostering human connection and alleviating loneliness.

The Collective Impact of Charity

The acts of charity throughout the story have a ripple effect, creating a chain reaction of kindness and compassion. Tobit's almsgiving benefits the poor in his community, Raphael's intervention restores Tobit's sight and brings happiness to Sarah, and Sarah's hospitality provides solace and support to Tobias.

The Significance of Charity

The Book of Tobit's emphasis on charity serves as a reminder that acts of kindness and compassion are not merely optional acts of benevolence but essential elements of a just and harmonious society. Charity, when practiced sincerely and consistently, has the power to transform lives, alleviate suffering, and bring about positive societal change.

The story's conclusion, with the restoration of Tobit's fortunes and the reunion of Tobias and Sarah, underscores the interconnectedness of charity and personal well-being. It demonstrates that acts of kindness not only benefit those in need but also enrich the lives of those who give, fostering a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and connection to the broader community.

In conclusion, the Book of Tobit's exploration of charity challenges readers to examine their own commitment to giving and compassion. It reminds us that charity is not merely a duty or obligation but a transformative force that has the power to uplift individuals, strengthen communities, and create a more just and equitable world.
Family: The Book of Tobit is a story about the importance of family. Tobit loves his son Tobias dearly, and he is willing to do anything to help him succeed in life. Tobias is also a devoted son who returns the favor by caring for his father in his blindness.
The Book of Tobit is a compelling narrative that highlights the importance of family, showcasing its enduring strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Through the intertwined stories of Tobit, Sarah, and Tobias, the book underscores the profound impact of family bonds on individual lives and societal well-being.

The Strength of Family Bonds

Despite facing numerous challenges, Tobit and Sarah prioritize their family and remain steadfast in their devotion to one another. Tobit's unwavering love for his son, Tobias, motivates him to overcome his blindness and send Tobias on a perilous journey. Sarah's unwavering hope for a fulfilling marriage and her desire to break the cycle of misfortune drive her to welcome Tobias into her home.

Tobias's Filial Piety

Tobias's deep respect and love for his father, Tobit, are evident throughout the story. He willingly embarks on a dangerous journey to collect a debt owed to his father, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to filial piety. Tobias's actions embody the importance of honoring and respecting one's parents, a cornerstone of family life.

The Power of Forgiveness

The theme of forgiveness plays a pivotal role in Sarah's story. After suffering through seven tragic marriages, Sarah initially harbors resentment and despair. However, through prayer and self-reflection, she finds the strength to forgive her past husbands and embrace the possibility of a new life with Tobias. Her journey of forgiveness exemplifies the transformative power of letting go of past hurts and embracing new beginnings.

The Significance of Family

The Book of Tobit's emphasis on family serves as a reminder that family is not merely a social construct but a fundamental pillar of human society. It is within the family that individuals receive love, support, and guidance, enabling them to navigate life's challenges and flourish as individuals.

The story's conclusion, with the restoration of Tobit's sight, the marriage of Tobias and Sarah, and the birth of their son, underscores the enduring strength of family bonds. It demonstrates that family provides a safe haven, a source of unwavering support, and a foundation for personal growth and societal well-being.

The Book of Tobit's exploration of family themes challenges readers to examine their own family relationships and the importance of nurturing strong family bonds. It reminds us that family is not merely a collection of individuals but a tapestry of interconnected lives, each contributing to the collective well-being of the whole.

The Book of Tobit is a beloved story that has been cherished by Christians for centuries. It is a story that teaches us about the importance of faith, hope, charity, and family.
It is a story that reminds us that even in the darkest of times, God is always with us and that there is always hope for the future.


The Book of Tobit is a beautiful and inspiring story that has much to offer us today. It is a story that reminds us of the importance of faith, hope, charity, and family. It is a story that gives us hope for the future and reminds us that God is always with us.

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