Afghanistan Update 28/29 Aug + Podcast

2 years ago

Here's the latest intel update on the current situation on Afghanistan. BLUF: Things aren't looking good, and the situation is drawing to a close very soon. Also the back half of this video is really just a digression into some issues for people to think about as we move forward into the after-action/learning phase of what has happened. These ideas are certainly not pleasant, and we did not have the time to mince words to make things sound a bit easier to swallow.

And unfortunately, due to several people reaching out to us and/or reporting our social media posts about this Afghanistan situation, we have had to issue the following statement.
So for all of the brovets out there who think that we are somehow harming the situation, and accusing us of risking people's lives with this information, read this:
We understand the concerns of OPSEC and understand that malign actors are monitoring social media accounts. However, absolutely nothing we post is even remotely harmful for people that are trying to get out. Being intelligence professionals, we understand the concept of OPSEC. All of the information we are putting out is coming directly from Taliban or ISIS pages, so it’s pretty clear that everyone knows where some things are. Other data, like data on rescue efforts and current positions of US and coalition forces has never been revealed by any of our products, nor will it be.
What happened at Abbey gate was horrific. But in our opinion the thousands of images and photographs (mostly the ones from the official Press Corps), the Taliban forces standing outside it, and the thousands of locals gathered outside indicated the location of that gate far more significantly than a puck on a kmz.
We understand that rescue efforts may or may not be underway. However, we also understand that US forces can only do so much, and there are a lot of people that are not being helped.
There are a lot of roads in Afghanistan, but there are only a handful of roads out of the country. And TB and ISIS know all of them far better than any foreigner possibly could. Understandably, the battlespace is quite crowded, and we certainly do not want to step on anyone’s toes when it comes to recovery efforts. However, the information that we are providing carefully avoids any information that might be useful for a malign actor. We’re dropping points on towns, and roads, and known TB/IS positions….so it’s not like we’re dropping the grids for anything significant.
And considering that right now, the people that are assisting the TB and ISIS harm Americans on the ground the most are affiliated with the senior levels of the US government, we see absolutely no harm in pointing out that a border checkpoint exists.
Again, we understand OPSEC. We really do. But here’s the deal…there is a difference between OPSEC, and pointing out information that THE ENEMY ALREADY KNOWS. God forbid, we tell the Taliban or ISIS that Afghanistan borders another nation. God forbit that we look at Google maps and realize that Afghanistan has roads, and only one of those roads goes to another country. God forbid that we read official press statements from those bordering nations, where they are welcoming refugees.
Right now tempers are high all around, which is perfectly understandable. A lot of people are angry, and are looking for anyone to blame. But we have to remember what the situation really looks like. We lost. And right now the most we can do is mitigate our losses.
Thank you for your time.

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