This Feminist “Pastor” NEEDS to Be Stopped NOW

6 months ago

I'm not going to sugarcoat this article in an attempt not to offend anyone. Feminism is rebellion against God's AUTHORITY! I don't know where the term “Femi-Nazi” originated, but it accurately describes the Feminist Movement. Take a look how the ungodly Media Portrays Fathers As Dumb, Weak, Wimpy, Stupid And Unwanted | Part 2. The feminist controlled media portray men as being stupid.

Feminism is an evil agenda of Luciferians, whose intent is to destroy the family unit, destabilize U.S. society, and destroy America as part of achieving World Government. You've probably heard the term “New World Order” (NWO), which has become increasingly popular in recent years. The New World Order is synonymous with Satanism! A great book on the subject is SATAN: PRINCE OF THIS WORLD by Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959). So many pastors today are afraid to preach against the evils of feminism. The truth needs to be told! In order to build a New World Order, the Old World must be destroyed first. This means Christianity must go. The traditional family must go. National patriotism must go. Parental authority must go. Individuality must go. National borders and sovereignty must go. Morality and family values must go!

If you understand this dark agenda of the Luciferian elite, who through secret societies (such as Freemasonry) to control the entertainment industry (check out other insightful Mark Dice videos), newsmedia, U.S. government and even most of the churches, then it all starts to make sense. If you think I'm a conspiratorial nut, it only evidences how woefully ignorant you are personally, and how much you desperately need to learn to catch up to THE TRUTH. The anti-American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which is controlled by the Luciferian elite through Wall Street, has been quietly working with Hollywood for decades to put brainwashing propaganda into movies to indoctrinate the masses. My friend, I could go on for hours educating you how much Satan has infiltrated everything these days! Christians need to be wise, not naive.

America's churches, marriages and homes are being destroyed by the vile feminist agenda. Women are now filing for divorce at TWICE the rate of men because of feminism. I agree 100% with Dr. Helen Smith, who speaks out in her book “MEN ON STRIKE” on behalf of mistreated men in American society. Husbands and fathers have become obsolete in America's feminist lesbian culture. Women today are angry, empowered and rebellious! Women don't need men anymore, the state has become their husband. A godly man is a threat to the feminist's agenda, because he believes that a woman's place is still in the home—baking cookies, knitting, meeting his needs, and caring for the children (1st Timothy 5:14).

The world's way isn't working. The world will tell you that you can only have one President. The world will tell you that you can only have one mayor, one governor, one CEO of a corporation. But they'll tell you when you get married that you can have two bosses. Two headed things are freaky, they don't live long!

Feminism is a lie of the Devil. In Genesis 3:6 we learn that Eve had convinced herself with three good reasons to sin. “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” Notice carefully the three things which Eve said:

Eve saw “that the tree was good for food.”
Eve saw “that it was pleasant to the eyes.”
Eve saw that it was “a tree to be desired to make one wise.”
Oh, the deceitfulness of sin! The Devil is a beautiful liar. Eve had convinced herself with Satan's help that disobeying God was going to be the greatest thing she ever did. It turned out to be the worst day of her life!

Statistically, American women are prescribed three times more antidepressant drugs than men, because women are three times more miserable. Just because women think they want independence—a career and a husband they can tell what to do—doesn't mean it will work out that way. Women are depressed today because of feminism (a truthful MP3 by Pastor Steven Anderson), because it gives them a depressing life! FEMINISM IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!!! Feminism is part of the Communist subversion of America—robbing women of their babies (abortion), marriage (divorce), family (career) and happiness. The Luciferian owners of the United States call this paradoxical truth “The American Dream,” because you have to be asleep to believe it!!!

Biblically, a Woman's Place in Still in the Home

"I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan." —1st Timothy 5:14

Have you TURNED ASIDE AFTER SATAN? Feminism is sin. It is wrong because it is a rebellion against Biblical authority. Feminism is not about women's rights, nor equality, it's about rebellion against God's Word. It's about giving special privileges to women. What feminists are really saying is, "We don't believe the Bible is God's Word and we absolutely REFUSE to allow men to have exclusive authority." Thus, women preachers demand EQUALITY in the leadership of the church. Wives demand EQUALITY in the leadership of the home. This is exactly what Lucifer said in Isaiah 14:14:

"I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."

Satan didn't want to be greater than God, he simply wanted EQUALITY in authority. Feminism is diametrically opposed to the Word of God. If more Christian women truly understood what feminism is, and is not, then the divorce rate amongst Christians wouldn't be equal with that of the heathen world. Feminism is a denial of the Word of God, specifically the Bible's strict teaching that women are prohibited from usurping authority over men, whether it be in the church (1st Timothy 2:12) or in the home (1st Peter 3:1).

In the photo at the beginning of this article you see Whoopi Goldberg (real name: Caryn Elaine Johnson), who is an open homosexual. Feminists speak of “honor,” but there is no true honor among lesbians and baby-killers. Proverb 26:1, "As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honour is not seemly for a fool." Feminism is synonymous with lesbianism, divorce and abortion. Civil rights are one thing, sinful rights are another. Feminism is of the Devil. Dear Idiots!

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