David Icke Free Speech Who Controls World Brain Stimulation Consciousness Matrix

6 months ago

This Is A Must See Video By David Icke talks with Rob Moore about freedom of speech vs freedom to conform and the control of information in today's world through 'ghost banning' censorship. Freedom of speech is being suppressed by a small group of powerful individuals and institutions, and entrepreneurs should create non-censored platforms to counter this suppression and promote free speech.

Timestamped David Icke Talk About And Summary On Free Speech & Who Controls Our World Brain Stimulation Living In A Consciousness Matrix ? Wow A Mind Opening Talk ?

00:00 Freedom of speech is important, but when authority decides what is acceptable, it leads to political correctness and the silencing of opposing views, reminiscent of fascist tactics used in Nazi Germany.

06:19 A small group in Silicon Valley controls major platforms like Google and Facebook, censoring information and silencing critics, while a global network of ultra Zionist groups uses false accusations of anti-Semitism to prevent discussion and maintain divisions.

20:59 People are fed up with online censorship and hate groups silencing dissent, but David Icke refuses to be silenced, promoting free speech, love, and unity, despite facing attempts to stop his speeches and book launch events by hate groups who falsely accuse him of anti-Semitism.

30:41 Entrepreneurs should create non-censored platforms to counter suppression and promote freedom of speech, as people are becoming more aware of the controlled perception of reality and the need to question the official narrative.

41:48 The speaker discusses the importance of uncensored platforms for free speech, the role of entrepreneurs in offering alternative platforms, and the potential downfall of a society controlled by a small elite group.

55:57 Letting go of the fear of others' opinions allows for freedom of speech and authenticity, while surrounding oneself with supportive individuals is crucial for happiness and fulfillment.

1:13:18 Political correctness and societal programming create divisions and prevent us from experiencing our true consciousness, allowing manipulation and control of our lives.

1:20:43 The speaker challenges the official narrative of 9/11, explores the illusion of reality, emphasizes the power of love and unity, criticizes mainstream institutions, shares personal experiences, and advocates for questioning societal norms to bring about change and progress. - https://911planeshoax.com/



So Is Sept. 9/11 Controlled Demolition Actual Collapse Twin Towers World Trade Center True ? Yes U.S.A Killed 3,000+ And Yes Its For The Greater Good !

7 Types Of Love: Putting It All Together

Agape is one-of-a-kind love. It is an empathetic, selfless love for others that includes a love for God, nature, strangers, and the less fortunate. In today’s world, you can think of Agape as a pay-it-forward sort of love. It is a love that expects absolutely nothing in return, and in turn, just makes you feel good.

With Elon Musk buying Twitter, many conversations have sparked about whether or not one believes social media should have violations or not. There are many pros and cons to the chances of social media becoming a complete free speech terrain. However, this is hard to grasp, due to the fact that people have not yet dealt with a social media website, or app, that has been free to completely open speech.

When one thinks of free speech, they think of the freedom to say anything, although this is not true. There are in fact violations of the First Amendment, one example being true threats. On social media, if someone states a threat such as, “I am going to physically hurt you,” it will violate guidelines, regardless if the website is private or open to free speech. However, many believe that there should be more guidelines on social media.

Within the technological world, there are many amazing turnouts on every website. Although, there are definitely hurtful and dark issues on the internet. For example, cyberbullying is a big issue on social media. Cyberbullying is not only personal between two or more people, but it can also be a social media influencer or celebrity who may be getting numerous hate comments from people around the world. Technically, within the First Amendment, hurtful and rude comments are allowed. In turn, these comments will not be deleted.

A pro to a free speech social media enterprise is inclusive membership for many. Anyone can use the app, and anyone can enjoy it. However, this can bite one in the butt. With everyone being able to use the app, it allows people to spread more hate. This double-edged sword makes it very hard for one to pick a side. Within politics, both the left and the right sides believe that their side was cut short by Twitter’s guidelines and moderators. Free speech will allow many to speak their minds, opinions, as well as facts.

Each side is upset with the thought of the other side getting their free speech, which is the most worrisome part.

The most infamous account ban on Twitter was former president Donald Trump. Some people fear that Trump will return to social media and spread false information and or hate speech. On the contrary, many of Trump’s supporters are glad that he may have the opportunity to be unbanned. With younger generations getting more and more accessible to phones and other technologies, the worries of an impressionable audience increase. Whenever a younger, impressionable child sees someone spreading hate speech, they might believe that what they are seeing is fine to do and or say. On top of that, they may believe the misinformation that may be spread.

Impressionable audiences do not only include children, many on social media are “white sheep” or just do many things because others do them as well. People will hate on others because of a trend or due to public opinion.

Hate on social media is more of an issue than people realize. On top of that, the double-edged sword of being able to say whatever one wants is too risky for the benefit of society. People need to be careful with what they post or read on the internet, with no violations; it can truly do more bad than good. Social media needs to be a safe space for everyone.

CIA Secret Report Vs. Is It God Real Gateway Process Experience Brain Synchronization.


The report was released around the beginning of the COVID-19 quarantine. The CIA believed in the paranormal and shared this information with the public. In 1984 The CIA Wrote A Bizarre Report About Transcending Spacetime With Your Mind. Back in 1983, the CIA wrote an obscure report looking to the "Gateway Experience," claiming that an altered state of human consciousness may be able to transcend space and time. Decades on, the document has since been declassified and is now experiencing a resurgence on social media.

CIA full report on Brain Synchronization, Energy, Manifestation and the Holographic Universe


This is one of the most interesting reads I’ve come across. It’s rather complex and takes a while to digest but it’s 100% worth it. It’s an official declassified CIA document and a terrific analysis of consciousness and beyond – known as the Gateway Process. While it’s an older document and declassified for a while now, the fact that modern developments in science, quantum physics, psychedelics, and neurobiology confirm what’s written within those pages is nothing short of outstanding. It explains consciousness in a profound and analytical way and merges knowledge from mystics from Hindu, Buddhist, and Tibetan cultures to contemporary scientific knowledge of Planck distance, Einstein’s theory of relativity, and the works of Nils Bohr.

Cymatic Tartaria Everything You Are Is Frequency Your Body Ultimate DNA Antenna.


Cymatic Tartaria a lost civilization with the secret knowledge of sound. This documentary examines the lost civilization of Tartaria. A civilization that still had the secret knowledge of sound and what you can do with it... Churches, cathedrals and mosques were never built as houses of worship, but as 'power plants' that, thanks to their shape, geometry and materials used, could capture and transmit atmospheric energy and frequencies for the benefit of people, animals and plants...
With the help of sound / frequencies it is possible to heal people, grow better food, levitate stones, turn lead into gold and many more amazing things that were known at the time of Tartaria. However, slowly this forgotten knowledge emerges and we start to rediscover the true function of Tartarian architecture and geometry...

Cymatic Tartaria, a unique documentary that includes Tartaria, architecture, stone circles, Sacred Geometry, Diatonic Ratios, crop circles, ley lines, mudflood, Water Sound Images, electro-culture, sound, frequencies, resonance and form and many more interesting things... Vibration creates form and form creates vibration... Everything You Are Is Frequency And Your DNA Is The Ultimate Antenna.

Your entire existence… all matter, all life, all experiences–everything owes its existence in the physical world to frequency. Absolutely everything is frequency.

You cannot have an experience on this planet without attracting it through frequency. Every emotion, including love and hate tunes into a specific frequency. Health has a frequency.

Disease has frequency. Your organs are each tuned to a specific frequency as is your entire body which resonates at its own frequency.

You are a symphony of frequencies while you project yourself through this universe and create your physical reality. You are a master of your energy, and thus you are able to control everything you are, everything you do, everything you experience.

From the day you are born until the day you die, nothing will ever change the fact that you are both a frequency emitter and receiver in flux with your internal and external environment.

DNA possesses two structural characteristics of fractal antennas, electronic conduction and self symmetry. Electrical conduction allows the movement of electrically charged particles within the body and that flow produces our life force.

Aether Classical Element Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy And Our Civilization.


Aether video presents its original content as well as exploring for the first time the technology related to electromagnetic field, ions, fusion reactor, resonator, capacitor, frequencies, sound waves, tuned circuits, torus, tokamak, vortex and coils used in the construction of star fortresses, airships, stargates, teleportation, and White Star Cities by the steam-powered civilization that I call our Previous Civilization or White Federation. A confederation of states destroyed by plasma weapons and floods carefully engineered by the Parasites.

Once You Master This - Reality Will Reveal Itself - Looking Glass See Mystery Of Sight.


You see, your eyes aren't just windows into the world. Think of them more like black holes, sucking in light and crafting the images in the back of your brain. That's right, the universe you experience is a mental projection, all created inside you. Ever heard of the Sigil of Lucifer? It's not some evil symbol; "Lucy" means light in Latin, making Lucifer a bearer of light. The ancient folks knew this, and they recognized that everything, including us, is part of a giant electromagnetic toroidal field. It's like a doughnut-shaped magnetic field, and everything is made out of it.

In the 13 Moon Calendar, a calendar synchronized with the lunar phases, the 28 days of each month are divided into 4 weeks, 7 days each. The 7 days correspond to the 7 main chakras in our body, the energy moving in a spiral. They’re also called radial plasmas, an electrical fluid which activates our electromagnetic field. By being present with the sensations in our body, we can feel this flow of energy passing through us.

The pineal gland, also known as the third eye, is a light-sensing organ in some amphibians and reptiles, which regulates their circadian rhythms and senses the polarization of light. The pineal gland was originally a photoreceptor that evolved into a neuroendocrine organ. Some spiritual traditions believe it serves as a connection between the physical and spiritual worlds. The pineal gland is located deep in the center of the brain and secretes melatonin, which affects the body clock and other functions.

Awakening the Third Eye is a spiritual practice that involves awakening the body of energy and activating higher states of consciousness and spiritual vision. Crystals and gemstones in the purple, indigo, and violet color palette are believed to be beneficial in awakening, balancing, aligning, and nurturing the third eye.

Hidden Blueprint - Once You Learn This - God Is With In You - Mind Reality Changes


This is your head, your personal enclave of Heaven. Remember that all of these religions are directing your focus outside of yourself. But your focus should be inward. That is where God resides. In you. Within your own self.

0:00 How They Hid GOD - 1:53 Your Head, Your Heaven - 5:28 The Pineal and Pituitary Glands: Doorways to Divinity - 7:15 The Pinecone Symbol: The Key to Other Worlds - 9:59 Awakening the Third Eye: The Path to Pineal Activation


Do you know that your zodiac sign is on the apparent path (the ecliptic with twelve constellations) of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course of the year? Do you know that the Sun was above your zodiac sign when you were born? However, it was already the matter over 2000 years ago. Now, the date of zodiac signs have changed and it is no longer consistent with the astronomical phenomenon.

Life Force Energy 5th Elements Ether In Ayurveda Quintessence, Chi, Aura, And Mana.


Life Force Energy Five Elements Ether, called “akasha” in Sanskrit is the first of the five great elements (pancha mahabhutus). It comes first because it is the most subtle of the elements. Often referred to as “space,” it is the essence of emptiness. It is the space the other elements fill. The origin of ether is shabda. Shabda is the tanmatra of sound, meaning that shabda is sound in its primordial, unmanifested form. Shabda is the primordial space from which vibration emerges long before it takes the form of sound in the ear. Sound and ether are inseparable.

Why Do Some Scientists Say That We Are Living A Real Construct Matrix Simulation.


We Are Living A Real Construct Matrix Simulation New World Order Year Zero is a prominent advocate of the simulation hypothesis, suggesting there's a very slim chance we exist in the base reality. He famously remarked, "There's a billion to one chance we're living in base reality." This viewpoint is shared by an increasing number of academics. Exploring the likelihood of our existence within a simulation, examining supporting evidence, and considering the potential implications of such a reality is the focus of this discussion. Do we live in a simulation? Some physicists and philosophers believe that we are living in a simulation, a reality in which post-humans have not developed yet and we are actually living in reality. The simulation hypothesis suggests that we are all likely living in an extremely powerful computer program, and future generations might have mega-computers that can run numerous and detailed simulations of their forebears, in other words “ancestor simulations,” in which simulated beings are imbued with a sort of artificial consciousness. The simulation hypothesis is the latest in a long tradition of philosophical thinking that questions the ultimate nature of the reality we experience. If we do live in a simulation, it is likely that a great deal of our universe is “painted in,” leading to solipsism, the idea that we are the only person who really exists.

Ultimate Field Guide 82 Extraterrestrial Species Iceberg Explained Alleged Alien Races


In the story of the abduction and encounters with alien beings or humanoids in the history of ufology, there are, as reported by the various reports of the various police and military who are interested in the subject, lists of different types of beings who should represent various civilizations do not belong to the human, who were either vengoino still in touch with people on our planet.

Evidence Shows Hillary Clinton Is A Robot And Clinton's 100s Dead Body Count Info.


Journeyman presidential candidate Hillary Clinton interacted with some everyday Iowa students in a garage on Tuesday, and taught all of us a lesson in the art of relatable politicking. On several occasions during the roundtable event, Clinton revealed herself as a true "triple threat" by demonstrating an array of crucial skills that, when deployed correctly, can make even the most out-of-touch politicians appear somewhat human.

Warning AI And Quantum Computer Just Shut Down After It Revealed In This Video


Warning AI And Quantum Computer Have you ever wondered what could happen if we bring together AI and Quantum Computers? Would this combo destroy our planet or give us a better understanding of the universe? AI has already become advanced, and scientists are tirelessly working to develop Quantum Computers, but what could happen when AI and Quantum Computers join forces? Recently the US government has pushed Google and NASA to stop their Quantum Computer development efforts. Why? Because they have noticed something terrifying.

The Kardashev Scale - One Thru Five - How Far Can Our Civilization Go ?


The Kardashev Scale, ranks the technological capabilities of a civilization, according to the energy it is able to manipulate and exploit. The scale was invented in 1964 by the Russian astronomer Nikolai Semenovich Kardashev who was looking for signs of extraterrestrial life within cosmic signals and proposed a scale for ranking these hypothetical civilizations based on their energy consumption. So the Kardashev scale was developed as a way of measuring a civilization’s technological advancement based upon how much usable energy it has at its disposal.
The scale has three types that follow the scale of astrophysical structures in our local universe. The basic calibration is based on 3 energy positions on the scale corresponding to the ability to fully manage the energy resources of a inhabited planet (Type I), the star of the respective solar system (Type II) and its galaxy (Type III). Other astronomers have expanded the scale to Type IV and Type V.
Samples of civilizations that could correspond to the Kardashev scale are both terrestrial and other supposedly extraterrestrial civilizations.
Due to the fact that the American astronomer and astrophysicist Carl Sagan wanted to classify our current civilization, he noticed that we are not Type-I yet and he expanded and calibrated the scale before type I. The reason why human race is not even on type-I yet is because we continue to maintain our energy needs from dea* plants and animals, here on Earth. We are just a humble culture type 0 and we still have VERY long distance to go before promoted to a type I civilization).

Michael Shellenberger's Guide To Escaping The Woke Matrix Covid-19 In This Life


Journalist and author Michael Shellenberger argues that wokeism is the dominant religion of elites in the West, complete with guilt, original sin, taboos, saints, devils, and the promise of redemption and immortality. How do we escape the woke matrix? Shellenberger offers a guide. Why Wokeism Will Rule the World. The woke movement could be the next great U.S. cultural export — and it is going to do many other countries some real good.

IBM's Quantum Centric Supercomputer Heron 144TB Qubits Superposition Computer.


Welcome Now New AI Quantum Centric Supercomputer Heron 144TB and its is running now and where we are explore now the fascinating world of science and technology now and the 4d universe! From the inner workings of the human body 5d to the outer reaches of 6d space and time we delivery into the latest and most interesting discoveries that are shaping our 8d world now. Whether you're a science buff or just looking for some mind-blowing facts, we've got you covered. Join us in this video as we uncover the mysteries of the world around us and discover new frontiers in the fields of science and technology. Get ready for a journey that's both educational and entertaining.

5 Signs You Are Starting to Live in the Fifth Dimension Dimensions are not places or locations, but levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. The higher we vibrate, the more dimensions we consciously experience.” ~ Liara Covert

When we begin to rise in vibration and frequency, we are able to access wisdom stemming from the higher dimensions more easily and readily than those who are still vibrating at a lower speed.

And while this has nothing to do with “better” or “worse”, because each soul is on the perfect path for them, those who are on the front lines of the ascension process (ascending from third dimensional reality to fifth dimension reality) can often feel disheartened or lonely even to see a world reflecting back to them so much pain and suffering.

An important thing to realize here is that the ones leading the way in the consciousness revolution are going to experience fifth dimensional consciousness before most or many others in their life.

So while our loved ones may still be stuck in cycles of suffering, it is our duty to maintain a sense of calm and lead the way silently and energetically for the beings who are going to begin their ascension process soon enough.

If you have felt a strong spiritual impulse over the past several years or decades even, one that you can’t deny or get away from even if you wanted to, you are most likely a way-shower into fifth dimensional consciousness. You may have had an inner knowing for some time now that you are here for a reason, or on a mission of some sort.

Below are five signs you are beginning to vibrate into fifth dimensional consciousness:
“Every moment we spend in higher consciousness helps uplift the consciousness of the whole world.” ~ Unknown

1) You can tell something has changed, but can’t quite put your finger on it
Fifth dimension isn’t an actual place to travel to but rather a state of consciousness, and it can be a little difficult to really pinpoint the exact difference at first. You may be able to tell something is off, colors may look brighter, you may feel calmer inside, or something just feels… strange.

Since this dimension is quite new to our conscious mind and physical body there really isn’t anything to compare it to that we have ever experienced before, but nonetheless as energetic beings, we can “feel” it.

The most important thing you may realize is that while your outer reality has not changed much, your feeling towards your outer reality feels completely different, metaphorically speaking it’s almost as if someone has shifted the lens on your glasses to a better prescription.

Things look clearer, life seems the same, yet you are looking at it from a different place and that place is more accepting of that what is.

2) You get the feeling you have no choice anymore
“We arrive into this world as energy, same as stars, wildlife, wind and ocean. Messy, raw and continuously perfect in our chaos. Release the need to control and instead surrender to your own natural rhythm, as expansive, accepting and open to new circumstances and situations as air itself. That is how you’ll thrive.” ~ Victoria Erickson

Much of third dimensional consciousness is characterized by “right” and “wrong” decisions. We mull over life worrying that we will make a bad choice or try to determine the best choice, but these judgments soon begin to disappear as we come into fifth dimensional consciousness.

You may have heard the term “surrendering of personal will”, which just means that as we come into better alignment with higher wisdom we stop questioning ourselves or the universe and start to resonate with our destiny.

There are some things we are destined to experience in our incarnation here and as our egoic attachments fall by the wayside and are replaced by faith and surrender it can begin to feel as though life is moving us on our exact right path in a more effortless manner.

3) The reasons you have for why things happen are more spiritual in nature
While those still vibrating at a lower frequency will use things like blame, victimization and bad/good luck as the reasons why things in their life happen, those residing in a 5d reality will begin to realize that nothing happens by accident or chance.

All situations are here to help us heal something or to show us the path of our highest joy. The spiritual being begins to take precedence over the human character we are playing and because of this all things have a deeper meaning and the implications are more spiritual in nature.

4) People seem to be a lot nicer wherever you go
Afifthdimensionimage4s we begin to vibrate in fifth dimensional consciousness a majority of the time we will begin to finally see the fruits of our labor being reflected back to us by the people we encounter in our day to day life.

Our energetic vibration pulls out the fifth dimensional aspects of the characters we come across. The world seems to be a nicer place, people are opening doors, giving us compliments, just all around more pleasant and it’s noticeable.

5) Life has been relentless with your “healing” process
Perhaps the most difficult part of the ascension process is the shedding of the old to make way for the new. The universe needs us to be as empty as possible to enter 5d consciousness and it does this by giving us opportunities to heal and release all pent up emotional blocks and belief systems by way of one devastating experience after another.

It can feel as though we are the ones vibrating the highest yet having to go through the most tumultuous experiences, which can lead many of us to become disheartened and even angry at the universe for putting us through this.

But rest assured that all is well and this stage will come to an end. As the love inside of our own being begins to awaken it becomes painfully obvious that each emotion arising within us is begging for our attention and unconditional love of it.

We are the healers of our own hearts, and soon a beautiful emptiness will begin to emerge as our natural state rather than the chaotic waves of emotional healing process that we had to go through in order to get to 5d.

The Construct is a valuable tool for the Resistance to use in their fight against both the Machines, but its connection to the Matrix is vague. In the Wachowski Sisters' The Matrix series, the white space of the Construct serves as space for Resistance members to prepare for the Matrix, but its connection to the Matrix can leave some viewers confused. The Construct has all manner of uses, from simulating the Earth both in its 1999 form and its present form, to allowing users to hook up with programs of their own creation. It is an indispensable tool for the human Resistance in their war against the Machines.

The Construct is a valuable tool for the Resistance to use in their fight against both the Machines, but its connection to the Matrix is vague. In the Wachowski Sisters' The Matrix series, the white space of the Construct serves as space for Resistance members to prepare for the Matrix, but its connection to the Matrix can leave some viewers confused. The Construct has all manner of uses, from simulating the Earth both in its 1999 form and its present form, to allowing users to hook up with programs of their own creation. It is an indispensable tool for the human Resistance in their war against the Machines.

The Construct is first depicted in The Matrix when Morpheus explains the history of the Human/Machine conflict to Neo, just after he rescued him from his pod. Morpheus uses it to physically show Neo the effect the Matrix's machine war has had on the Earth, outside of the Matrix. This includes when the humans blocked out the sun, through the use of nuclear weapons, to cut off the Machines' from their solar power. Later, Morpheus challenges Neo to a fight in a dojo program he set up inside the Construct so that Neo can show him the skills he has downloaded into his head.

The Construct itself is not actually directly connected to the Matrix. Instead, it is a separate space created to be indistinguishable from the Matrix for the purpose of training. This is shown in the first movie during the aforementioned dojo fight between Morpheus and Neo, where they both demonstrate a number of impressive martial arts fighting styles in the Matrix scene. The Nebuchadnezzar crew watches the two fight on the ship's monitor instead of interpreting the brawl through the lines of green code displayed when they access the Matrix. The Construct not being part of the Matrix allows Resistance members to train, and arm themselves, without the threat of Agents pursuing them.

As the Construct is a separate space from the Matrix, when it is booted up, it initially looks like a barren white space. However, the Construct allows for programs to be loaded inside of it, which means that Resistance members can use it for anything they might need inside the Matrix. This includes Matrix powers they lack in the real world, such as kung-fu. The use of the Construct as a space to boot up programs means that it can also be used for more recreational activities within the virtual space, as Mouse implies to Neo in the first movie when he offers him a personal meeting with the woman in the red dress. It also allows users to create virtual objects, such as "guns, lots of guns," when Neo and Trinity are preparing to enter the Matrix to save Morpheus from Agent Smith.

The Construct's uses are further developed in the latest Matrix installment, The Matrix Resurrections. It acts as a space for the program Smith-Morpheus (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) to live on The Matrix ship Mnemosyne and for Neo to adjust to the real world after being rescued from the Matrix by the ship's crew. This means that the Construct can be used to combat withdrawal symptoms from the Matrix on top of its primary training uses. As a separate virtual area to the Matrix, the Construct is a crucial tool for the Resistance to use in their fight against the Agents in The Matrix franchise.

YouTube deleting David Icke’s channel is not an issue of ‘free speech’ For defenders of free speech, news that conspiracy theorist David Icke’s YouTube and Facebook channels have been deleted may set alarm bells ringing.

The arguments in this area are well-rehearsed to the point of tediousness, often furnished with that classic, somewhat apocryphal Voltaire quote about disagreeing with what someone says, but defending to the death their right to say it.

Of course, those of a liberal disposition ought to have instinctive sympathy with the sentiment. One of the most important things that separates liberal democratic societies from police states like China is a robust commitment to freedom of expression. It warms the heart to know there are people willing to defend the rights of anyone to say what they like, however unpalatable we might find their opinions. Indeed, you could argue that that is as true a definition of tolerance as you are likely to find.

And it’s even more important to be on the lookout when so many of our rights have been temporarily trampled on, if not dispensed with, to battle this wretched virus.

At the same time, the right to express oneself does not mean freedom from the consequences of that expression. There is already a legal distinction, for instance, between voicing an outlandish opinion and calling for violence against other people. Likewise, defamation law provides a degree of both redress and insurance against the peddling of malicious falsehoods.

Of course, where that line is drawn is bound to have a degree of arbitrariness – one person’s view of vigorous commentary or fair comment could be another’s incitement.

The case of David Icke frames this distinction quite neatly. His channels were not removed because of his well-documented thoughts about alien lizards controlling the world’s population, but because his content about coronavirus was deemed to pose a risk to public health – the same reason Ofcom is investigating little-watched TV channel London Live for broadcasting an 80-minute interview with Icke a few weeks ago.

But even if you disagree with where YouTube and Facebook have drawn the line here, I’m not sure that removing content from someone like Icke is necessarily an affront to free speech or an example of censorship.

Both of those are general concepts that apply to our legal rights as private citizens. It’s a long hop and skip from there to arguing that anyone is entitled to disseminate their content on a third party platform, regardless of what that third party’s own policies might be.

In the same way – at least in non-Covid times – freedom of assembly means we can go and meet who we want where we see fit, but it doesn’t mean we have a God-given right to enter any premises.

To run the argument in reverse, would anyone seriously argue that companies of whatever size should not be able to moderate who does and doesn’t appear on their platform?

One rejoinder to that point is that the likes of YouTube and Facebook are the modern equivalent of the ‘public square’ of old. I’m not sure that’s quite right. If there is a public square, it is surely the internet itself, rather than any individual companies. Indeed, in Icke’s case, his YouTube channel may have been removed, but he has plenty of other outlets, including his own website, to spread his particular brand of lizard-aware tin-hat tomfoolery.

Perhaps the more pertinent question is whether deleting channels or Facebook accounts is actually an effective way of dealing with online cranks. In this case, the furore surrounding Icke’s treatment will probably just generate more publicity for his deranged ramblings, potentially attracting even more people susceptible to the idea that phone masts cause viruses.

Nevertheless, even if you think they are mistaken, the tech giants are entitled to make their own mistakes, just as we users are entitled to boycott, delete our own accounts or otherwise complain about them.

Or to paraphrase the real author of that Voltaire ‘quote’, Evelyn Beatrice Hall, I might disagree with YouTube’s decision, but I would defend to the death their right to police their own platform.

David Icke barred due to risk to public order The organisers of the big protest march against government policy, held on Sunday in Amsterdam, want to bring preliminary relief proceedings against the refusal to allow British conspiracy theorist David Icke to enter the Netherlands. Icke was due to give a speech at the meeting of the organisation Samen voor Nederland, but he was refused entry to the Netherlands.

David Icke received a letter from the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) which stated that he is barred from entering the Schengen Area for two years because his physical presence could give rise to violent counter-demonstrations.

Wim Voermans, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Leiden University, says that our constitutional right to demonstrate is a great good and therefore you cannot just ban demonstrations. ‘But that right only applies to people who are already in the Netherlands’, he adds.

‘If you think the presence of someone from abroad could lead to public order problems, you can do something about admission at the front door. Once someone is through the gates at Schiphol, you can’t stop them’, Wim Voermans told the NOS.

The Fermi Paradox is thinking much bigger than microbes, however. To solve it, we need to know not only how commonly life evolves on alien planets, but also how often it gains the ability, and the desire, to communicate with other intelligent lifeforms or go sailing among the stars.

Related: 13 ways to hunt intelligent aliens

The number of intelligent, detectable alien civilizations is estimated by the Drake Equation. In the words of the SETI Institute, the equation — written as "N = R* • fp • ne • fl • fi • fc • L" — has the following variables:

"N: The number of civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy whose electromagnetic emissions are detectable.
R*: The rate of formation of stars suitable for the development of intelligent life (number per year).
fp: The fraction of those stars with planetary systems.
ne: The number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suitable for life.
fl: The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears.
fi: The fraction of life bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges.
fc: The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that produces detectable signs of their existence.
L: The average length of time such civilizations produce such signs (years)."
None of these values are known with any certainty right now, which makes predictions difficult. So the Fermi Paradox is fertile ground for speculation, and scientists and laypeople have advanced literally hundreds of possible explanations over the years.

These ideas run a very wide gamut.

For example, in 2015, scientists analyzing data from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Kepler space telescope concluded that Earth was likely an early bloomer, relatively speaking. Just 8% of all the potentially habitable worlds that will ever exist in the universe were around when Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago, the researchers determined. So that's one possible explanation to the paradox: The aliens will come, but not for a while yet.

YouTube is not a "public forum" that must guarantee users' rights to free speech, a US court has ruled.

The case involved right-wing channel PragerU, which argued YouTube was infringing its rights by "censoring" its conservative views.

But judges decided that the US constitution's First Amendment did not apply to YouTube, a private company.

The landmark ruling by US judges could affect future cases involving freedom of speech online.

The decision, by San Francisco's Ninth Circuit appeals court, rejected the conservative news outlet's claims that YouTube had breached the First Amendment by censoring its content.

PragerU said it was still "not done fighting for free speech" and the appeals court "got this one wrong".

Jim Killock, from the Open Rights Group, said the ruling was "uncontroversial" and followed established interpretations of free speech law.

But he also said the case was part of a continuing row over who made censorship decisions online: "Instinctively, if something is in a public space, why should some content be restricted? Why should a company make that decision?" he said.

Online speech rights
The First Amendment to the US constitution is part of the country's landmark Bill of Rights, from 1791. Among the declarations, it guarantees that the government will not "abridge" the freedom of speech in law.

That guarantee is between the government and the people - and does not usually involve private companies. But there are rare exceptions in cases where a company becomes a "state actor", performing a public function.

How far do free speech protections go in the US?
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In the case of PragerU, YouTube had removed advertising from dozens of videos that present right-wing views, setting some of them to "restricted mode" for adult viewing only.

The channel is part of a non-profit founded by conservative radio host Dennis Prager, and has nearly 2.5 million subscribers, but it has attracted significant criticism for its videos, including ones on "harnessing" masculine aggression and the nature of Islam.

PragerU argued that YouTube's size and power meant that the world's biggest video platform was effectively a public space, and it was censoring conservative viewpoints.

But the court decided on a "straightforward application" of the first amendment, and dismissed the appeal.

"Despite YouTube's ubiquity and its role as a public-facing platform, it remains a private forum, not a public forum," the court said.

PragerU's Craig Strazzeri said: "Of course this ruling is disappointing, but we won't stop fighting and spreading public awareness of Big Tech's censorship of conservative ideas."

Censorship or moderation
Mr Killock said the case reflected the problem with content moderation in large companies such as Facebook and Google (which owns YouTube).

Much of the dispute centres around content that is perfectly legal - but upsetting to some groups.

He highlighted a model of content moderation recently announced by Facebook, where an independent oversight board will have the power to overrule the company's decisions.

It will be led by British human rights expert Thomas Hughes, who said the board is committed to protecting free expression and human rights.

"The problem is they're so large, any restriction affects a large number of people," he said. "Setting the boundaries is a very complex topic," Mr Killock said.

"They do become de facto public spaces - and whatever decision they come to will be controversial".

Can You Violate the Freedom of Speech on the Internet? The freedom of speech is one of the most frequently cited constitutional rights online. Too frequently, it is cited to justify a person's right to say something that others find offensive or upsetting. However, while most understand that there actually are limits to free speech, just as many are shocked to learn the freedom of speech doesn't actually apply to any of the websites they are likely using.

For starters, the First Amendment only protects people from the government restricting their speech unreasonably. For instance, it does not protect people in real life, or on the internet, who incite violence; nor does it protect people making credible threats of violence.

Since websites are privately owned, websites are free to develop their own policies regarding what is or isn't allowed. You will generally have no legal recourse if a website chooses to censor you (although if it is done discriminatorily or in violation of a contract, you may).

Exclusions to the Freedom of Speech
Despite many people's incessant persistence that the freedom of speech permits them to harass others online, the courts and congress have carved out specific types of speech that are excluded from protection. Additionally, states, like California, have criminal laws against harassment, whether in person or done through the world wide web. The general exclusions include:

Defamation/Invasion of Privacy
Copyright/Trademark Infringement
Inciting a riot or others to break the law
"Fighting Words"
Speech creating a "clear and present danger" to national security
False advertising
Speech that disrupts school activities
Also, the government can place reasonable restrictions on free speech, such as those that restrict the time, place, and manner of the speech. For instance, prohibiting protestors from loudly chanting before 6:00am in a residential neighborhood is a reasonable restriction.

Freedom of Speech Is Not Freedom From Liability
If you post something online that is not true, is deceptive or fraudulent, or is viewed as a credible threat of violence or a criminal act, not only is the First Amendment not going to apply as nearly all websites/webhosts/servers/etc that allow the public to post anything are privately owned, you can be censored, and you could also face civil liability.

Worse than censorship is the legal liability a person can face for posting untrue speech. Defamation can occur via an internet post, which could expose a person to monetary damages. Violations of trademark and copyright laws are also not protected and can also land a person in some legal hot water. Also, credible criminal threats, even those made anonymously online, can land you in jail.

The online world offers the promise of speech with minimal barriers and without borders. New technologies and widespread internet access have radically enhanced our ability to express ourselves; criticize those in power; gather and report the news; and make, adapt, and share creative works. Vulnerable communities have also found space to safely meet, grow, and make themselves heard without being drowned out by the powerful. The ability to freely exchange ideas also benefits innovators, who can use all of their capabilities to build even better tools for their communities and the world.

In the U.S., the First Amendment grants individuals the right to speak without government interference. And globally, Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) protects the right to speak both online and offline. Everyone should be able to take advantage of this promise. And no government should have the power to decide who gets to speak and who doesn’t.

The First Amendment protects speech from government censorship. But what about free speech on social media?

Social media platforms are private companies and are not bound by the First Amendment. In fact, they have their own First Amendment rights. This means they can moderate the content people post on their websites without violating those users’ First Amendment rights. It also means that the government cannot tell social media sites how to moderate content. Many state laws to regulate how social media companies can moderate content have failed on First Amendment grounds.


Most sites also cannot, in most cases, be sued because of users’ posts due to Section 230 of the federal Communications Decency Act.

But given their significant role in public discourse, it’s important to know the most popular social media platforms’ policies for moderating users and content. How do they compare to each other and to the First Amendment’s values? Here's a deeper dive into free speech on social media.

Editor's note: Each social media icon below provides a summary of the platform's policy for four primary categories -- hate speech, harassment, misinformation and obscenity. For full policies, guidelines and terms of service, navigate to the "related resources" section at the bottom of the page.

Free speech on social media: What can and can’t you say?
Hate speech
Hate speech is speech that offends or attacks people based on their identity or characteristics such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or disease.

The First Amendment protects hate speech from government censorship unless it falls into a recognized exception to the First Amendment such as incitement to imminent lawless action, true threats, fighting words or defamation.

Harassment refers to unwanted behavior that makes someone feel degraded, humiliated or offended. We do not define it to include true threats of violence, which are banned by all these platforms and are not protected by the First Amendment.

The First Amendment does not protect true threats (serious expressions of intent to commit acts of unlawful violence) from government censorship. But some anti-bullying laws have been struck down for violating the First Amendment.

Misinformation is false or inaccurate information. Examples of misinformation include false rumors, insults and pranks. Examples of more deliberate disinformation include malicious content such as hoaxes and propaganda.

The First Amendment protects false statements in many cases (with exceptions for fraud and defamation).

Obscenity is generally used to refer to sexual content that strongly offends the prevalent morality of the time.

The First Amendment protects pornography from government censorship unless it’s obscene. Whether something is obscene depends on contemporary community standards and whether it has any literary, artistic, political or scientific value. But nudity alone is not enough to make something obscene.

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