"HE BLACKMAILED ME"... Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis Cancelled After Supporting a Rapist.

6 months ago

Did you know that Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are facing intense backlash for their controversial support of someone accused of a heinous crime? Stick around, because today, we're going to uncover the shocking details behind their association with rapist Danny Masterson. Alright, let's get started.

This is the kind of scandal you'd expect to see in a Hollywood thriller. In 2017, Danny Masterson, best known for his role in "That '70s Show," was accused of sexual assault by multiple women. These accusations rocked the entertainment industry, and the legal battle that followed would unveil a disturbing web of secrets.

Born on Long Island in 1976, Danny Masterson's journey into the entertainment world began within a family destined for stardom. He's the elder brother of Christopher Masterson and half-brother to Jordan and Alana Masterson, all of whom would eventually make their mark in showbiz.

Danny's entrance into the world of showbiz started remarkably early. At the tender age of four, he embarked on a career as a child model, which swiftly transitioned into countless commercial appearances—over 100 by the time he reached the age of 16.

While the world would come to know him through television, his early path involved appearances in notable shows like the crime drama "Jake and the Fat Man" at just 11 years old. His journey was well underway, paving the way for what was to come.

Then came the pivotal moment in his career. Despite being considered too old for a teenager role in his early 20s, Masterson successfully auditioned for the series initially titled "Teenage Wasteland." This role would forever define him as Steven Hyde on the beloved series, which we all know today as "That '70s Show."

Masterson's portrayal of the show's resident tough guy, Steven Hyde, garnered critical acclaim. "That '70s Show" ran for eight successful seasons, solidifying itself as one of the most popular shows on TV, with Danny Masterson making an indelible mark.

In March 2017, Danny Masterson faced a whirlwind of accusations when three women stepped forward with allegations of sexual assault. But here's the twist - these women were no strangers to him; they had known him through the Church of Scientology in the early to mid-2000s. How did this connection play into the allegations?

Can you believe it? Masterson, widely recognized for his role in "That '70s Show," was suddenly under a cloud of suspicion. These allegations weren't just shocking; they were unprecedented in their connection to a high-profile church.

What could have possibly transpired at Masterson's Hollywood Hills home? It's a chilling story - these women claimed they were given beverages that left them disoriented before the alleged assaults took place. What's the full picture here?

Imagine being in their shoes, at Masterson's home in the Hollywood Hills, with something in your drink that clouds your judgment. The question lingers - how did these incidents unfold behind closed doors, and what led them to finally come forward?

Can you fathom the influence of the Church of Scientology in this case? When these women sought justice, they found themselves facing opposition within the church itself. How did the Church's involvement affect their ability to speak out?

It's not just about the allegations; it's about the power dynamics at play within a highly secretive organization. What kind of pressure did they face from the Church, and how did it impact their decisions to come forward?

Can you imagine the fear these women must have felt? In the Church of Scientology, speaking out has dire consequences. They were victim-shamed and silenced, but what does this say about the environment within the church?

This is more than just a legal case; it's a story of immense courage and resilience. What measures were taken to suppress their voices, and how did they eventually find the strength to break their silence?

What happened to Masterson's career as these allegations mounted? In 2016, he was riding high with a role in Netflix's "The Ranch" alongside Ashton Kutcher. However, when a fourth allegation emerged in December 2017, Netflix took a drastic step and fired him.

Now, the real shocker came when Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis publicly expressed their support for Masterson during this turbulent time. But why would they stand by someone accused of such a terrible crime? It's a question that had fans and critics alike scratching their heads.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, stars of the beloved '70s Show, are facing a firestorm of controversy due to their recent support for their former co-star, Danny Masterson. You remember him as Hyde, right? Well, he's been at the center of a long and harrowing sexual assault trial that finally came to an end this week with a shocking verdict.

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