Episode 1657: Sensus Fidei or Shut up and Submit

6 months ago

What is Sensus Fidei?

Sensus fidei is a Latin term that means "sense of the faith." It is a theological concept in Catholicism that refers to the supernatural gift of the Holy Spirit that enables the faithful to discern and uphold the truth of faith. This gift is not limited to the clergy or hierarchy of the Church, but is shared by all baptized Catholic believers.

The sensus fidei is not merely a matter of intellectual understanding or rational deduction. It is a deeper and more intuitive grasp of the faith that comes from living in communion with the Church and experiencing the Holy Spirit's guidance in one's life. It is a "supernatural appreciation of faith" that allows the faithful to recognize what is true and reject what is false, even if they cannot fully explain it in words.

The sensus fidei is an important source of authority for the Church's teaching. The bishops and other Church leaders are responsible for discerning and safeguarding the faith, but they also rely on the sensus fidei of the whole people of God. When the sensus fidei of the faithful is in harmony with the teaching of the magisterium, it is a sign that the Church is on the right track.

The sensus fidei can also be seen as a way in which the Holy Spirit guides the Church's development of doctrine. As the Church encounters new challenges and questions in each age, the sensus fidei of the faithful helps the Church to discern what is true and to formulate new expressions of faith that are faithful to the original deposit of revelation.

The sensus fidei is a gift that is given to all baptized believers, but it is a gift that needs to be cultivated and exercised. This can be done through prayer, study, and participation in the sacraments. As we grow in our knowledge and love of Christ, we also grow in our ability to discern the truth of faith and to uphold it in our lives.

But you may ask “Okay thanks for that Walt but what’s your point?” Let me come at this from another way, the secular way.

Did you notice during this current US administration so many crazy things have been happening to our country and yet our government and the media are telling us what we see with our own eyes or hear with our own earns is not really happening.
 Our southern boarders no longer exist, and they are projecting by the time this administration is over we will have over 15M illegal immigrants in our country, and they are doing nothing to stop it.
 Our economy went from one of the strongest in US History to the worst from 2020 to now. In 3 short years and yet we are told there is no problem with the economy.
 We losing our retirement income at record pace
 We have a judicial system that has been weaponized against its own citizens, and we are being told it isn’t happening
 We have transgender movement that never occurred before
 We have homosexuality and abortion that are being pushed not only by our government but our school systems
In all these cases we are told its not happening and yet we as citizens no we are being lied to, not to mention pushed aside and told to obey or else.
Now lets get back to the church. We see countless Priests being cancelled that support the traditional values of the church, we have cardinals and bishops being either removed or silenced and because certain hierarchy are too cowardice to do anything to stop it but merely submit and obey out of fear of being removed or silenced what are the faithful doing. The exact same thing they are doing in the secular world. They are standing up and saying NO MORE!.
The Latin word for "sense of justice" is aequitas. The Catholics today much like the citizens of this country insist on Aequitas.
The prelates of the church are not above the doctrine, faith, and morals of the faith. They can’t teach anything to us faithful we don’t already know any more than our government can teach us what is constitutional or unconstitutional.
Much like the false message our current administration preaches about fairness and justice they do the complete opposite in the conduct and their works are bad. How is that different from the Church today. Not a damn bit of difference and as the citizens of this country have had a belly full of a corrupt and lawless administration with the assistance of the liberal media the faithful Catholic have the same belly full of the nonsense coming out of Rome and they liberal novus ordo parishes and prelates. We know our faith; we have a sense of our faith and what I predict will happen is the faithful will rise up and throw these bums out of the church just as the people of this country will rise up and throw these bums out of office.

If this makes me a Catholic terrorist then is state the words of the great saints:
Saint Augustine: "If you tolerate those who are destroying the Church, you are guilty of destroying it yourself."

Saint Bonaventure: "To consent to what is wrong is to do it oneself."

Saint Thomas Aquinas: "When a person is able to help and does not do so, he must be considered a cause of injustice."

Saint Teresa of Avila: "If you see someone commit a fault and you do not correct them, you share in their sin."

Saint Francis of Assisi: "The greatest evil is not to know that one is committing evil."

Please fellow Catholics stop going along to get along and stand up a use your God given Sensus Fidei and throw these bums out of the Church so when you are judged by Christ he says welcome you good and faithful servant instead of you denied me before man and I will deny you before my father – I do not you. Its belly full time!
The church had its Fr Martin Luther (Augustinian), and we kicked him out and now we need to kick out Fr. James “Broke Back” Martin (Jesuit). Their founders would be cringing at what they did not only to their order but the Church.

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