6 months ago

(Note: I recently explained a terms called loosh and smocking (see info & links below) and how actual demons feed off this energy in order to exist in this realm and to possess humans. The highest form of this loosh energy is fear from a child (adrenochrome extraction), but also derived unknowingly from humans worshiping their idols (gods) and in this case the actual demon possessed celebrity and the demons cleverly personified in the Masked Singer costumes. I first encountered this realization back in 2019 in the first season of this cabal/Illuminati production. I am glad I am not the only person noticing this, as I found this video on YouTube. Surprized YouTube hasn’t censored this video just as the link below from my research notes, because this alternate video doesn’t exist anymore. I might still have that video download somewhere. This Masked Singer show is as creepy as hell, but most of my family watches this show just as normal as all the other mind-control/predictive programming. Time to wake up, shut off the TV and quit feeding the demons! Marcum)

Masked Singer Illuminati Monsters & Unicorns (no longer available)

Mirrored – Fair Use (share) 💉 “WE WILL NOT COMPLY” ☠️
WilsonB 9000
Nov 20, 2018
Don't miss out on the new weekly singing competition show that will keep everyone guessing! See who's behind the mask coming soon on FOX! For this video I took all the trailers from the masked singer and mashed them together with some changes to bring out the scary evil vibe to the surface. After taking out the catchy music and the banter from the celebrity panel you are left with the weird costumes that give you a creepy feeling like the baphomet and the evil looking bunny. On top of that I added creepy ritual music and sound effects and added some filters to make the set more dark and creepy feeling. Hosted by Nick Cannon, THE MASKED SINGER is a new celebrity singing game show featuring panelists Jenny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger, Ken Jeong and Robin Thicke. Based on an international format, and already a viral phenomenon with over half a billion fans worldwide, THE MASKED SINGER features celebrities facing off against one another with one major twist: each singer is shrouded from head to toe in an elaborate costume, complete with full face mask to conceal his or her identity. With each performance, the host, panelists, audience, viewers and even the other contestants are left guessing who is singing behind the mask. Ranging from Grammy Award winners to legendary athletes, and everything in between, the singers may attempt to throw the crowd off of their scent, while keen observers might pick up on tiny clues buried throughout the show. One singer will be eliminated each week, ultimately revealing his or her true identity. It’s not a “whodunit,” it’s a “whosungit!”

“Everybody you see on TV, World Governments, the Elite Globalists, Hollywood and recently the Vatican/Pope(s) were installed, about 90% are either a disguised reptilian, a clone, a synthetic robotoid or a soul scalped person ALL systematically controlled by demons. Trump forced them to accelerate their plans (failed ongoing COVID scheme etc.) which now exposes all their devious plans including depopulation (agenda 2030). They are ALL 100% liars and 100% incapable of telling the truth even if a noose was placed around their necks (because a demon has taken their soul and will totally abandon you at the point of your death and usefulness). The promises of power, riches and fame are only an illusion, a deception from the father of all lies. The cabal are now exposed and in a deep panic. Symbolism will be their downfall. All countermeasures are in place. God never abandons His children, yet honors freewill. Love your neighbor (if human!), no amnesty for the rest of these psychopaths. Let God judge them. Only then can we heal. Pray!" Marcum
(Agenda 2030 - One world currency, one religion (if any), one military, no private property, no family units, mandatory vaccines, microchips for everyone, Social Credit System, 5G monitoring, and the government raising your children and controlling all the schools. People would not be able to own cars or businesses as everything will be managed either by corporations or governments. Remaining DNA altered controlled slaves eat bugs while the demonic elite eat our children. Basically, we become a power source (battery) or a food source for the underlying demons. Time to wake up!)
(Note: I recently uploaded quite a few videos and info regarding loosh energy, Predictive Programming, Adrenochrome, Reptilians, and the demons controlling our world. By subconsciously showing us the truth while systematically controlling us through conquer and divide schemes, keeping us in the dark and endless wars, these evil controllers avoid karma, skirt accountability and divine law (Contempt of Court). I added this topic of “Frazzledrip” and recently “Smocking” because they are directly related. Please see my updated pdf download of Sleep Paralysis (directly below) to see the relationship of all these topics. Both the cabal and the MSM hide all this from you. In fact, only from my own experiences am I fitting pieces together. Piecing all this stuff together for over 2 years and over 5 years of research not one fact had I needed to change while further research and making connections only confirms these facts. Researching the hidden facts and depths of pure evil only strengthens my faith as a Christian verifies the existence of divine creator and the sovereignty of freewill. Problem is, evil must deny and be in complete contempt of our freewill to exist in our realm. Pray! Marcum)

Sleep Paralysis, Loosh Energy, Predictive Programming, Adrenochome, Reptilians, Demons, Smocking, Frazzledrip, Courts of Heaven and all related info and links.pdf

Gene Decode & Team. Cabal's Contempt of Court!

‘Subliminal Messaging and Predictive Programming.pdf’

Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf


The Pride-Woke Agenda - info and links .pdf


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