The Earth Speaks of Land Ownership in Scotland

6 months ago

This begins with me listing all the many associations with Scotland: Edinburgh as Jerusalem, the stone of Scone, Scottish Masonic rites, ancient line of the Christ- Rosslyn Glen…..I go in to speak with Earth and my Greater self:

8.31 “They know the climate is shifting…” description of how “they” the Church of England, know the lands will become rich territory again with engineered climactic change.
9.17 “Is this buying of the lang a good thing? How can the church have money to purchase land when there are poor, sick and homeless people?”
9.33 Two parallel possibilities of course: one is to help and one is to harm; convert and to control- through fear, sin and non redemption of hell….
10.10 “ the new world ends just beyond Scotland..” discussion about the poles, north and south.
10.47 “Scotland, I would like you to speak to us:”
11.03 “-you know you will be anointed with warmth…you know the climate softens…is this on the good or bad timelines…where are we headed, do we know?
11.34 ”’Serendipity’- that word recurrs. Serendipity….stolen lands, from farmers, who can no longer earn money from their sheep and their wool. Lands…prices driven down to nothing, purchased land …oh, oooh: who should buy land there? Scotland in its State- would be a beautiful place: good waters and, without the freezing, those very cold winds, it would be an abundant atmosphere in which to grow all things.
13.16 I am advised to identify the ancestral lands of my beloved…
13.23 “The blue-sky-ice that falls, will come tumbling down there, in those empty lands. Oh and control of this: if you own the land, you may dictate the story, you may prevent information being revealed. What if the dome were to fall intuit spot? strange…and why does Trump have such a love for Scotland?- there is always deeper meaning to all of these things.
14.00 “There are ancient qualities of Earth….I shall talk to Earth here:
“Tribal treaties, lying oaths, misfortune, dual meanings:
The church is not standing for what you believe: Christ, but something else. You know that; they have held down the LeyLines, the Churches, the position points of acupressure upon me. Mmmmm, if a huge up-welling of my energy were to come through, would not they wish to keep it down? - Bringing in their sorcerers, who would hold it down. If I bubble-through in that space, where I may ‘dance up’, they would wish to capture me, prevent me from walking on the ground among you.
16.00 My Greater self answering now: “The purpose of the purchase is ‘subjugation’: a control of information. if you own the territory, you can prevent entry upon it. Journalists may only gain access if given specific instruction - if you hold it as your private property.
Ah, but a church is not truly private, however as a ‘body-governing’, it may be seen to hold certain rules, and these can be used to prevent access of ordinary folk to ever experience what is going on. And imagine if territories were ever required, for certain SPECIES visiting, Scotland would make a good place for many of them. The land is comparatively cheap, and with weather modification, can be made fertile and liveable ( we all know the weather modification is a possibility). The church, however its body, how are they able to justify this? They do NOT justify- they ‘do’, and keep under the radar. People do not know about it. It is a chance thing that you have come to find this, ‘interesting fact’.”

17.53 I come back for a second ‘chapter’ on this, and briefly explain Britain the UK, England, Scotland.
18.17 I explain how I did some investigation online about this purchase. The land is planting vast tracts of sitka spruce forestry…not sustainable or healthy for the soil. ( I explain this from a landscape architect’s point of view).
20.20 I explain how the churchgoing population is decreasing hugely YET the church is the seventh largest landowner in the UK. I ask WHY are they not using this money to be giving back to the humans…..
22.00 the social housing scams…..reports in newspapers.
22.17 if you look at the ‘eden’ timeline, (and I reference my last conversation with the Earth)
23.27 The two timelines: towards love and expansion and beauty- and then the other one- banging on about climate change, using HAARP to change and modify climate and to create geological events and geo-engineer with the chemtrails, using little ‘blip’ ufos to spread chemical in the sky ( not the planes).
24.00 I describe the aims of the ‘dark control agenda’.
25.32 I reference the Lacerta reptilian interviews, how they use unoccupied tracts of land to come up form their underground cities to absorb the sunlight, far from the human population.
26.17 If you know your geo-engineering is changing the climate, you are going to be buying land where it is going to be lovely…..I describe the long-term planning behind this.
27.40 I decide to go in a little deeper once more to get more info- using sound to get in there…..
28.44 In my soul room, full of trees…….
I choose the largest tree, lean back and ask about the meaning of this plan:
29.07 I thank earth for speaking ‘up through’ and ask her to tell us what she knows:

Earth/ Amma: “I have various trajectories of Layline as you know: look at the Layline patterns, they are interesting
, there’s no coincidence that you found yourself watching ,’Outlander ‘again, with their portals and standing stones stories, they talk of the Leylines and energy points. Remember this, for you know, when they put an overlay. A different grid, they change and shift., And some of these Leylines have been also previous overlays. they are not natural, I am not a straight line being: curves, I move in rivers.

Does a river run straight? Never!– Ask your Victor Shauberger, he understood the movements. then you even tried it on your bike the other day, tiring up the hill: when you wave your bike up the hill, it is less exhausting. and that is to do with pressure and release upon your muscles. it is the way power works: contrast.

30.28 now, the lands, that this so-called church of yours own-look if you could where they are on the land registry, and you would see there are clumps, there are patterns, and they are wishing for certain things. To own something with an organisation this “seemingly kind“, you can do much with it. – Block off territory for experimentation, oh so many things will be done.

Remember, those other kind of federal reserves in your United States, where your Mr McKay was talking about access being limited, roads create the access. Without no roads, you have no access to vast acreage, what is going on in there?
It is the same story, and I look again at the other landowners: Look, you saw the lists! Who were they? They were Danish.-What are the Danish doing? Two Danish families owning Enormous tracts of land in Scotland– who do they think they are, the Vikings? Of course they do.
– Taking it back for their own wonderful Valhalla rites.
Be aware. You know yourself from your discernment, The fire of the Scottish people-your own personal experience, it is unique. The fire within that people Has been heavily, dampened : sugar, fat, alcohol. The tools. Depression – why depression? if you were a folk made of the winds and the rains, and you were denied that and put in little city boxes, you will die. Spirit of fight still exists. if you knew these are, where your warriors are you with stamp upon them too.

I cry when I hear, no – somebody as a church supposed to be administering to sick and unwell, ill equipped, and impoverished, the greediest of the greedy. – Weird as they wear their cassocks in high offices. It is not about clothing or watches, it is about power, serving something, which is not the love of God, of creator, that which created my mind and body– and you imagine how large I am!
And, beloved Sun in the sky, wherever it may be When you see it occasionally. We are tiny specks of all that is. We love that. We love that, – and they love something else– the other master. A self appointed master of a realm, which is in truth diminishing.
And what can you do is the question always, well, knowing something is a first step. And thank that lovely lady, – sweet soul, sweetheart, foolish mind– all the jobs injected into her body, oh God! yes, that is what she told you, meaning so well.

Now: you know, right now, this is you and me speaking as one here. Yes, your mind, my mind. And what can we tell your friends? Understand your awareness needs to grow: you have your house, your garden, your neighbourhood, you need to start “zooming“ out ( chuckle), and analyse the patterns and the structures. Stop being ignorant. look at that list, some of those slides, who owns the land? look at the names of the people: are they English in England? no. Are they British in Britain? no! How has this come to pass? do you think it’s a natural organic exception? No! it was a loud, encouraged, it is disgusting. but you allow them, you allow them to do this. and you have stupid prices of places you call ‘home’. And no real beauty places to wander. And experience the joy of nature, because someone has it for themselves! The list, the articles you read, there was that Ed Sheeran, – once a youth, innocent popstar, of course, bred by those people with a fake story, and then became the Satanic so-called hero buying land for rewilding, inverted speech, ‘how lovely‘, but
Keeping it from you.

Scotland is a place, still, you will have an access right over the land. Most of you don’t know that. You are allowed, you are entitled, it is your land, to walk, to roam, to sleep overnight on the land.

No one can turf you out do you know this? It should be everywhere. Who does own the land in this way? you own that which you look after, with grace and love, honouring the full spectrum of nature.

37. 55. There is more that can be said on this: you will uncover more, bring the idea into the foreground. Allow people to see, this is not just Israel and Palestine! This is your own country: everyone’s own country.

America bought out by the Chinese. What is that about? Federal areas! You are the Federation! it is your land!
Scotland owned by the Danish?!– large landowners? Oh! And then you have from the Middle East, huge owners of land in Britain. paragraph and the church, with its tiny tiny population of churchgoers – owning – the seventh largest landowner! take it back, it is yours!
Hmmmmm To do that, you have to know that is your power.”

Alright, food for thought! A little bit of clarity there , huh? – A little bit of power!
Please, write comments, please share this, I want you to start thinking this way LOL it is not just Israel and Palestine, This is everywhere, and it’s going on under our noses Right beneath our noses.

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