Stone Responds to Charge of Russian Collusion

6 months ago

Roger Stone Refutes Allegations of Collusion with Russian Hackers

Roger Stone, a prominent political figure, vehemently denies allegations of collusion with a Russian hacker concerning the Democratic National Committee (DNC) document leaks. This controversy has drawn significant media attention.

The Allegations
The central accusation, propagated by sources like The Smoking Gun, suggests that Stone colluded with a hacker known as Grucifer 2.0, purportedly connected to Russia, in the hacking and subsequent release of DNC documents by WikiLeaks. Stone challenges the credibility of these allegations, underlining the absence of concrete evidence linking Grucifer 2.0 to Russia.

The Timeline of Events
Stone argues the impossibility of conspiracy based on the sequence of events. He notes that his brief Twitter exchange with Grucifer 2.0 occurred after the DNC documents had already been acquired by WikiLeaks and published. He had reported on these leaks in Breitbart News, asserting that collusion cannot occur retrospectively.

The Defense
Asserting that the claims are baseless, Stone likens the accusations to a "hit job" by various media outlets and argues that the allegations are an example of something that happened 'ex post facto' - after the fact. He humorously dismisses having access to a time machine to make such collusion feasible.

Roger Stone's refutation of the collusion allegations with a Russian hacker in the DNC leaks case is a pointed example of the complexities and controversies in modern political discourse. His defense focuses on the timeline of events, questioning the logic and motivation behind these accusations.

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