Houthis strike in the Red Sea - Saudi Arabia embarrassed - Iran tests hypersonic missile.

6 months ago

The Deep404 - analysis of global events. Israel Update 22nd Nov 2023
#israelpalestineconflict #israelwarnews #yemen #houthi
Houthi attack on Galaxy Leader https://ddgeopolitics.substack.com/p/tell-the-king-and-his-imbecile-son
Dramatic footage of a helicopter - landing unannounced upon the deck of the carrier
Galaxy Leader - vehicles carrier - 21 years old - flying under flag of Bahamas
Isle of Man registered Galaxy Maritime Ltd, which is the registered owner of the Galaxy Leader - British owned and Japanese operated
Impacting shipping - Two other ships also listed as commercially managed by Ray Car Carriers, Glovis Star and Hermes Leader, diverted their sailing routes on Sunday,
DD Geopolitics on their substack - reporting that the vessel was within Saudi Arabian waters when it was hijacked - near the port of Jeddah which is 700kms (435miles) from the Yemen border
Russian Mil Mi-8 Helicopter, which has a range of 600 kilometers (370 miles) - which indicates that the chopper had some form of support and was either launched from shore or from a ship in the area as it could not have made the return trip from Yemen
Begs the question - how did a Yemeni helicopter flying near the port of Jeddah (2nd largest in Arab world) go undetected by Saudi Arabian Military???

From DDGeopolitics article….
The military budget of the KSA is estimated at around 69 billion dollars, of that, 54 billion is provided by the US as military aid annually, along with extensive training from both the US and it’s NATO allies. Saudi Arabia operates the largest air force and navy inside the region, with one of it’s fleets stationed at the King Faisal Naval base in nearby Jeddah. The western fleet even maintains a special martitime security force designed to prevent piracy, and it has spent years operating in the region in cooperation with NATO forces, including the US Navy.

Embarrassing for Saudi Arabia.

Two Burkan missiles that were fired by Hezbollah are said to have hit Israel's Branit barracks

Iran has released footage of the Fattah-1 hypersonic missile launching and hitting a test target. China, Russia and now Iran have hypersonic missiles - the US does not - it has programmes for development but they are still in testing.

Hypersonics travel well past 5 times the speed of sound - in some cases up to 10 times (Russian Kinzhal) - range of 1.5k - 2.0k kilometers
Extremely difficult to intercept - while Ukraine claims in May to have shot down 6 Kinzhals in one night with a US Patriot AD system - this has not been proved correct and instead the US admitted that the Patriot System itself had been struck that night.

Scenes from the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeting the American occupation base, "Ain al-Assad" in western Iraq, at dawn on Tuesday.
AC-130J Ghostrider - reportedly in sorties over Iraq last night - perhaps mistakenly left transponder on -
105mm cannon - U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command confirmed to Defense News it is considering removing this howitzer-sized weapon following the end of the Afghanistan War and amid a greater focus on America’s top adversary, China.
10 rounds per minute - original gulf war M1 Abrams held a 105mm cannon

Two operations targeted Ain al-Assad base today, the first with drones and the second with missile strikes.

Israel - revised numbers
Hundreds of the reported dead Israelis - many of those burned bodies were actually Hamas fighters
Mark Regev former Israeli ambassador to Uk has gone on tv to announce the mistake made - the level of damage through burning
Many of the videos shown allegedly of Isralies burnt in vehicles are now quite possible Palestinians
Israeli reserve pilot Col. Nof Erez - seems to confirm this in an interview with Haarez

South Africa
The South African Parliament votes in favor of shutting down the Israeli embassy, expelling the Israeli ambassador and severing relations with the Zionist occupation.

Sister channel to @the3ps TheThirdPartyShow. #deep404

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