The mainstream media are ignoring a huge trade union scandal. Why?

6 months ago

The boss of one of the biggest Trade Unions in the country is being summoned to court for defamation. Where are the media?
Right, so a huge trade union scandal is emerging concerning Unite the Union right now and what makes it so huge and so downright bonkers is the fact a trade union is being taken to court for discrimination, for being a bad employer itself. The scale of it shouldn’t be underestimated either as news just out reports that both the current General Secretary of the union Sharon Graham and the former General Secretary Len McCluskey are both being called to give evidence, being summoned to court, subpoenaed, to give evidence personally in this case, because this goes to the very top, the person concerned who has been discriminated against has been done so under the very worst of circumstances and frankly the question everyone is asking, is why is such a huge story not getting reported in the mainstream media of the UK? This is one of the biggest trade unions in the country, usually the right wing press can’t contain themselves from attacking trade unions, so why, when they’ve got what looks to be a justifiable source of criticism for one are they ignoring it?
Right, so a discrimination case against a bad employer is exactly what trade unions are supposed to be therefore, but what do you do if the trade union is itself the discriminator? The bad boss? Well, we’re getting a lesson in that courtesy of a gentleman by the name of Brendan Ogle, who is taking his employer, Unite the Union to court, along with the current union boss Sharon Graham and an ally of hers, Tony Woodhouse, over defamation and breaches of the Employment Equality Act and it’s a pretty sickening story as to how we’ve got here actually, which I covered some time ago in other videos, but which is worth a brief recap on now.
Brendan Ogle is the most senior Unite figure in Ireland. Having had to take time off to deal with a cancer diagnosis however, upon his return to work he suddenly discovered the new regime, run by Sharon Graham, wanted him instead shuttled off to a lower position, some 100 miles away, all despite being found fully fit to return to his previous role. If getting cancer is now a sackable offence in effect, what does that say about the employer? What would a trade union do in response to such treatment of an employee by another business? They’d be on strike in a heartbeat. Unfortunately when your trade union is your boss, it becomes a whole lot more messy.
You can’t underestimate how much this has damaged the union, because Ogle is very well regarded in Ireland, is widely seen as somebody who goes into workplace issues with a won’t back down attitude, is known by name, how many trade union reps can you say that about? And upon the news of his mistreatment by the union there were threats of disaffiliation from the union by sectoral branches, Graham’s offices were protested outside of and she even ended up delaying her way overdue visit to Dublin upon becoming General Secretary due to the hostile reception she was due to receive.

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Damo Rants Kernow Damo trade unions,trade unionism,trade union,trade union scandal,defamation case,unite the union,sharon graham,brendan ogle,mainstream media,mainstream media fails,mass media,media ignoring trade union scandal,brendan ogle defamation,brendan ogle lawsuit,sharon graham court summons,sharon graham summonsed,kernow damo,damo rants,bbc bias,damo,bbc,len mccluskey,sharon graham unite,sharon graham keir starmer,sharon graham ireland,unite the union ireland

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