A Word about Intercession ❤️ Jesus reveals Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

6 months ago

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A Word on Intercession
July 28, 1840, at noon

--. O Lord, I humbly thank You in regards to Spain! May I continue to pray for it? And was I right to have prayed for it?

The Lord says:
1. Behold, do you not say: If art struggles for bread in a lowly desire for profit, then it is of little use; and if art is not given bread, has it then found itself within its truth!?

2. But what do you believe My service to be when the servants are striving for the things of the world, for bread, gold and power of the Earth!

3. Behold, there is no country like the one you have called by name that has committed more shameful fornication, both in body and spirit, and even more so has burned and murdered My innocent little children at all times. If only you could see and count as I do, how many innocent maidens have been violated by the false hordes of the monks, buried alive and immured; how many boys have been sacrificed to sodomitical fornication; how many thousands upon thousands of unheard-of disgraces, frauds and abominations one took one's vile refuge in, spiritually, just to achieve but an ounce of temporal purpose; how My written word was publicly cursed because it refused to serve as a basis for all conceivable atrocities - only then you could see clearly what My intended ministry has striven and struggled for!

4. And as every worker is worthy of his wages, likewise have I granted these workers their long awaited and well deserved wages, as a temporal deterrent for the hierarch, reserving the eternal for the beyond!

5. That you prayed every now and then was indeed right. Only do it more persistently! For the benefit will be on your side, should you practice My great love. However, always remember that My judgments are invariably just, only affecting those who have long deserved them.

6. If Huss, according to My advice, had been wise instead of obstinate, like Nicolaus Copernicus was, namely a prudent mathematician in My creation, he would not have perished in the fire. For I say to you: You shall at all times deceive Satan with the prudence of your meekness. Amen. I, the righteous judge, amen.

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