Untreated diseases could kill more than bombings in Gaza_ World Health Organization warns _ BBC News

6 months ago

**Untreated diseases could kill more than bombings in Gaza, World Health Organization warns**
*As violence escalates, health system on the brink of collapse*

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that more people in Gaza could die from untreated diseases than from the ongoing violence. The health system in Gaza has been severely damaged by the recent airstrikes, and there is a critical shortage of essential medicines and medical supplies.

The WHO said that there is a high risk of outbreaks of waterborne diseases such as cholera and diarrhoea, as well as respiratory infections. The organization also warned that patients with chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes are at risk of dying because they are not able to access the treatment they need.

"The health system in Gaza is on the brink of collapse," said Gerald Rockenschaub, the WHO's head of mission in the occupied Palestinian territories. "We are seeing a rapid increase in the number of people with injuries, and there is a severe shortage of essential medicines and medical supplies."

**The health system in Gaza has been under siege for years**

The health system in Gaza has been under siege for years, as a result of the Israeli blockade and the ongoing conflict. The blockade has severely restricted the import of essential medicines and medical supplies, and the conflict has damaged hospitals and clinics.

The recent escalation of violence has only made the situation worse. The WHO said that more than 200 health facilities have been damaged or destroyed in the past few weeks.

**The WHO is calling for an immediate ceasefire**

The WHO is calling for an immediate ceasefire to allow for the delivery of essential humanitarian aid and the repair of the health system. The organization is also calling for the lifting of the blockade so that Gazans can access the medical care they need.

"The people of Gaza have suffered for far too long," said Rockenschaub. "We must do everything we can to alleviate their suffering and to ensure that they have access to the health care they need."

**The international community must take action**

The international community must take action to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The United Nations has called for an independent investigation into the violence, and the International Criminal Court has said that it is opening a preliminary investigation into possible war crimes.

The international community must also do more to pressure Israel to end the blockade and to allow for the reconstruction of Gaza. The people of Gaza deserve to live in peace and to have access to the basic necessities of life.

The situation in Gaza is a tragedy. The people of Gaza have been caught in a cycle of violence for years, and they are now facing a new humanitarian crisis. The international community must do everything it can to help the people of Gaza and to bring an end to the violence.

**In addition to the above, here are some other key points from the WHO's warning:**

* The health system in Gaza is on the brink of collapse.
* There is a critical shortage of essential medicines and medical supplies.
* There is a high risk of outbreaks of waterborne diseases such as cholera and diarrhoea.
* Patients with chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes are at risk of dying because they are not able to access the treatment they need.
* The WHO is calling for an immediate ceasefire to allow for the delivery of essential humanitarian aid and the repair of the health system.
* The organization is also calling for the lifting of the blockade so that Gazans can access the medical care they need.
* The international community must take action to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

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