Episode 1679: The Ascent of Mount Carmel - St John of the Cross - Book 1

6 months ago

The nature of the soul and its potential for union with God:

The soul is often seen as the immaterial essence of a human being, the part that distinguishes us from other living things and connects us to the divine. It is often considered to be immortal and to survive the death of the body.

The concept of the soul has been explored and debated by philosophers and theologians for centuries. There is no one agreed-upon definition of the soul, but it is generally seen as having the following characteristics:

Immateriality: The soul is not made up of matter and is therefore not subject to the same physical laws as the body.
Immortality: The soul is believed to survive the death of the body and to continue to exist in some form after death.
Consciousness: The soul is the seat of consciousness, and it is responsible for our thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
Free will: The soul is believed to have free will, the ability to make choices and act independently.
The potential for union with God is a central theme in many religions. It is the belief that the soul can achieve a state of perfect union or oneness with God. This state of union is often seen as the ultimate goal of the spiritual life.

There are many different paths to union with God, and each religion has its own unique teachings on the matter. However, there are some common themes that are found in many traditions. These include:

Purification: The soul must be purified of its sins and imperfections before it can be united with God.
Detachment: The soul must detach itself from worldly desires and attachments.
Love: The soul must love God with all its heart, mind, and soul.
Surrender: The soul must surrender its own will to God's will.
The path to union with God is not an easy one, and it requires a great deal of effort and discipline. However, it is a path that is ultimately worth pursuing, as it leads to the ultimate goal of all human existence: to know, love, and be united with God.

Sure, here is more on the nature of the soul and its potential for union with God:

The soul is often seen as the immaterial essence of a human being, the part that distinguishes us from other living things and connects us to the divine. It is often considered to be immortal and to survive the death of the body.

The concept of the soul has been explored and debated by philosophers and theologians for centuries. There is no one agreed-upon definition of the soul, but it is generally seen as having the following characteristics:

Immateriality: The soul is not made up of matter and is therefore not subject to the same physical laws as the body.
Immortality: The soul is believed to survive the death of the body and to continue to exist in some form after death.
Consciousness: The soul is the seat of consciousness, and it is responsible for our thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
Free will: The soul is believed to have free will, the ability to make choices and act independently.
The potential for union with God is a central theme in many religions. It is the belief that the soul can achieve a state of perfect union or oneness with God. This state of union is often seen as the ultimate goal of the spiritual life.

There are many different paths to union with God, and each religion has its own unique teachings on the matter. However, there are some common themes that are found in many traditions. These include:

Purification: The soul must be purified of its sins and imperfections before it can be united with God.
Detachment: The soul must detach itself from worldly desires and attachments.
Love: The soul must love God with all its heart, mind, and soul.
Surrender: The soul must surrender its own will to God's will.
The path to union with God is not an easy one, and it requires a great deal of effort and discipline. However, it is a path that is ultimately worth pursuing, as it leads to the ultimate goal of all human existence: to know, love, and be united with God.
The concept of the soul is closely related to the concept of the self. The self is our sense of who we are, and it is often seen as being composed of both the body and the soul.
The soul is often seen as having a divine spark or essence. This means that the soul is a reflection of God within us.
The soul is often seen as being connected to all other souls. This means that we are all interconnected and that we are all part of something larger than ourselves.
The nature of the soul is a mystery that has intrigued humans for centuries. While there is no one definitive answer to the question of what the soul is, the concept of the soul provides a way for us to understand our place in the universe and our relationship with God.
The importance of detachment from worldly desires and attachments
Detachment from worldly desires and attachments is a crucial aspect of spiritual growth and the pursuit of a higher state of being. It involves letting go of the excessive attachment to material possessions, sensory pleasures, and societal expectations that can hinder our spiritual advancement.

Why is detachment important?

Detachment allows us to break free from the chains of worldly distractions and focus on our inner growth and connection with the divine. It enables us to see the world with a clearer perspective, free from the distortions of our desires and attachments.

How to practice detachment?

Detachment is not about denying ourselves all worldly pleasures but rather about cultivating a healthy balance between our material and spiritual lives. Here are some ways to practice detachment:

Recognize the transient nature of material possessions: Understand that material things are temporary and have no lasting value. They can come and go, and they should not define our happiness or worth.

Appreciate experiences over possessions: Focus on creating meaningful experiences and connections with others rather than acquiring more material possessions. Prioritize moments of joy, love, and learning over the accumulation of things.
Practice gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for what you have. Appreciate the simple things in life and recognize that true happiness comes from within, not from external possessions.
Minimize distractions: Reduce the time spent on social media, television, and other forms of entertainment that can distract you from your inner peace and spiritual growth.
Engage in spiritual practices: Dedicate time to activities that nourish your soul, such as meditation, prayer, or spending time in nature. Connect with something greater than yourself.
Benefits of detachment

Detachment brings numerous benefits to our lives, including:

Inner peace: Detachment reduces anxiety, stress, and the fear of loss that arise from attachment to material things.
Clarity of thought: Detachment allows for a clearer and more objective perspective, free from the biases of our desires.
Enhanced spirituality: Detachment creates space for spiritual growth and a deeper connection with the divine.
Greater contentment: Detachment fosters a sense of contentment and appreciation for what we have, reducing the need for constant acquisition.
Remember, detachment is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, effort, and conscious awareness to cultivate a detached mindset. However, the rewards of detachment are profound, leading to a more fulfilling and spiritually enriched life.
The role of self-knowledge and humility in spiritual growth

Self-knowledge and humility play essential roles in spiritual growth, providing a foundation for genuine transformation and a deeper connection with the divine.


Self-knowledge is the understanding of one's own thoughts, feelings, motivations, and behaviors. It involves introspection, self-reflection, and a willingness to confront our strengths and weaknesses. Self-knowledge is crucial for spiritual growth because it allows us to:

Identify our limitations and imperfections: Recognizing our limitations helps us humble ourselves and rely on divine guidance.

Acknowledge our shadow side: Self-knowledge allows us to confront our negative aspects, such as egotism, pride, and self-centeredness, which hinder spiritual growth.

Understand our true nature: By understanding our deepest values, desires, and motivations, we can make conscious choices that align with our spiritual aspirations.


Humility is the absence of pride and arrogance, and it involves recognizing our limitations and the vastness of the divine. Humility is essential for spiritual growth because it allows us to:

Surrender to divine will: Humility enables us to let go of our ego and accept that we are not in control of everything.

Receive divine grace: Humility opens us up to receiving divine grace and guidance, as we recognize that our own efforts are insufficient for true spiritual transformation.

Learn from others: Humility allows us to approach others with an open mind and a willingness to learn, fostering compassion and understanding.

The interplay of self-knowledge and humility

Self-knowledge and humility work together in a synergistic manner to promote spiritual growth. Self-knowledge provides the foundation for humility, as we become aware of our limitations and imperfections. This awareness then fosters humility, which enables us to surrender to divine will and receive divine grace.

Cultivating self-knowledge and humility

Self-knowledge and humility are not innate qualities but rather virtues that need to be cultivated through conscious effort and consistent practice. Here are some ways to cultivate self-knowledge and humility:

Engage in introspection and self-reflection: Regularly take time to examine your thoughts, feelings, and motivations. Reflect on your actions and identify areas for improvement.

Seek feedback from others: Ask trusted friends and mentors for honest feedback about your strengths and weaknesses. Be open to receiving constructive criticism.

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness involves bringing awareness to the present moment without judgment. This can help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions.

Engage in acts of service: Helping others without expecting anything in return can foster humility and a sense of gratitude.

Practice gratitude: Regularly express gratitude for the blessings in your life. This can help you appreciate what you have and reduce feelings of entitlement.

Remember, self-knowledge and humility are lifelong journeys. As we grow and evolve, our understanding of ourselves and our relationship with the divine will deepen. Embracing self-knowledge and humility with sincerity and dedication will lead to a more fulfilling and spiritually enriched life.
And finally
The need for purification and transformation of the soul:


In many spiritual and religious traditions, purification and transformation of the soul are considered essential for attaining a higher state of being or union with the divine. This process involves cleansing the soul of its impurities, such as negative emotions, harmful thoughts, and egoistic tendencies, and transforming it into a vessel capable of receiving and reflecting divine light.

The Need for Purification

The soul, as part of our incarnate existence, is often tainted by the imperfections and limitations of the physical world. It may accumulate negative karma or residues from past actions, harbor negative emotions, or be influenced by egoistic desires that hinder its spiritual growth. Purification is the process of removing these impurities and restoring the soul's original purity and innocence.

Methods of Purification

Various spiritual traditions offer different methods for purifying the soul. Some common practices include:

Repentance and Confession: Acknowledging and seeking forgiveness for past mistakes and transgressions can help cleanse the soul of guilt and shame.

Self-Discipline: Practicing self-discipline, such as controlling one's thoughts, actions, and desires, can help break free from harmful patterns and habits.

Meditation: Meditation involves focusing the mind on a single point or object, allowing for introspection and a deeper connection with the inner self.

Spiritual Practices: Engaging in spiritual practices, such as prayer, chanting, or devotional rituals, can help connect with a higher power and foster spiritual growth.

Stages of Transformation

The transformation of the soul is a gradual process that unfolds in stages. It may involve:

Awakening: Recognizing the need for spiritual transformation and initiating the journey of self-discovery.

Purification: Cleansing the soul of its impurities and negative tendencies.

Illumination: Experiencing glimpses of higher consciousness and divine light.

Union: Achieving a state of oneness or union with the divine.

Benefits of Purification and Transformation

The benefits of purifying and transforming the soul are numerous and profound. They include:

Inner Peace: Freedom from guilt, anxiety, and negative emotions leads to a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Enhanced Self-Awareness: Greater understanding of oneself, one's motivations, and one's place in the universe.

Spiritual Growth: A deepening connection with the divine and a higher state of consciousness.

Living with Purpose: Aligning one's actions with one's spiritual values and contributing positively to the world.


Purification and transformation of the soul are not merely intellectual pursuits or external rituals; they are deeply personal and transformative journeys that require dedication, sincerity, and a willingness to confront one's inner self. By embarking on this path, individuals can cultivate inner peace, expand their consciousness, and live a life aligned with their true spiritual potential.

Remember, the journey of spiritual transformation is a continuous process, not a destination. It requires ongoing effort, self-reflection, and a commitment to personal growth. By embracing this journey, individuals can embark on a path of self-discovery, inner peace, and a deeper connection with the divine.

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