6 months ago


Right. So Mad Max is now Mad Maxine. Yet another gender swapped piece of popular culture, this time in Australia. I'm sure when it fails they will yet again blame it on sexism. It will be interesting to see when they do a remake of Alvin Purple, my guess is they will go full woke, swap the character for a tranny and call it Alice Purple. I rarely watch anything new anymore. I prefer to re-watch old shows, like: Al Bundy, Banacek, Benny Hill, Minder, The Avengers with Mrs Peel, Gerry Anderson's U.F.O., Maverick, The Rockford Files, Steptoe and Son. I've plenty to keep me entertained, they can keep their woke shite.


Manslaughter. They had to be dragged kicking and screaming to charge him with anything, and that is the best they can do. Compare this with the way the case against the teenage driver who allegedly had the police commissioner's son jump in front of his car is being handled. How many months ago was that poor old woman murdered? Compared to how many days after the accident was the teenage driver charged? The teenage driver had to spend the weekend in jail, how long has the murdering cop spent in jail? Consider the two cases and then ask yourself if there is a class system in Australia?


First, I have to comment on that shit for brains woman wearing a muzzle on camera. What did she add to the report? They could have easily left her, and her obvious mental illness, out of the report, but, no, the media still has to keep pushing the insanity.

They have a natural product proven to work, the only reason it isn't readily available is outdated Laws that never should have been enacted in the first place. You could easily grow it at home and treat yourself if left alone. Instead we have these parasites, big pharma, wanting to make money off the sick by monopolising treatments.

It doesn't take much foresight to guess that the next step will be an m.R.N.A. gene therapy to change your body so that it produces it's own cannabanoids. Requiring regular expensive repeat shots of course.


I don't know about the rest of society, I seem to be in a very small minority, but I no longer even expect to get information from so called mainstream media, I view them expressly for the purpose of seeing the latest lies the establishment is spreading. They have gone beyond propaganda to lies for the sake of lies. I have no idea why anyone would believe who YouTube says are the 3 biggest news sources on their service. Why would you believe YouTube viewer counts? YouTube has lied over and over again, they lied about pizza-gate, russiagate, Hunter's laptop, the 2020 election, and they lied about censoring content. Why would you believe anything they tell you?


Yes, it is hypocritical to criminalise tobacco but legalise cannabis. I think the government should leave everyone alone. Keep both substances out of the hands of children, and protect people from secondhand smoke. It shouldn't be either or. If people aren't bothering anyone else leave them alone.


If you think the public is going to resist, or even complain, about this totalitarian nightmare you must be retarded. South Australia has had drivers licences on mobile phones for several years now. Despite their lies about it being secure the system was hacked in 2021.

Did people complain? Yes. The shit for brains morons complained that the government didn't restart the system quick enough. A few complained that they couldn't get a new licence number. The government fixed it so people could request a new number. And the retards when out and put the new number straight on the system that had been hacked. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes wouldn't have thought people could be so fucking stupid.

A physical drivers licence is a small piece of plastic, 2 centimetres by 3 centimetres. You can purchase phone cases that have slots built into them expressly for the purpose of holding such cards, so it would be with you anywhere you took your phone. But these fucking idiots went back to using a system that had been hacked rather than carry a tiny piece of plastic. If you think people so incredibly fucking stupid are going to have enough brains to see a potential problem with digital I.D., let alone be willing to get off their butts and complain about it, you are deluding yourself.

The sheeple were trained and tested with Q.R. codes during the covid, the government knows it can introduce digital I.D. anytime it feels like it.


I don't know which I despise more the welcome to country and acknowledgement of so called traditional owners, or the smug twats who insist on repeating it over and over again. I'm not responsible for what other people did hundreds of years ago. I want to hear this garbage as much as they want to hear my objections to it, that is to say not at all.


Good old Mussolini Malinauskas, a huge, woke, racist, twat. He refuses to listen to the sixty five percent of South Australians who voted against the racist voice shit. He is removing names of holidays celebrated by the vast majority of the population. Every time I see him in the media he is giving a huge fuck you to the people of South Australia. I have no idea what his current poll figures are, and despite searching have been unable to find them. From what I have seen of the South Australian opposition leader Mussolini Malinauskas could probably start murdering orphans in the street and still stand a good chance of being re-elected. The fact that the South Australian public seems to have a large percentage of compliant sheep doesn't help. Even if by some stroke of luck he did lose the next election the way the trend in voting is going I think it highly likely the idiotic South Australian public would give the Greens the balance of power. One of the few ways things could be made even worse.

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