The Tories just admitted that most Brits can’t afford families.

6 months ago

The Tories new minimum wage for migrants to be able to bring their families here has revealed our own wages must be too low too!
Right, so the Tories in their desperation to keep their bash migrants culture war going have let slipped an uncomfortable truth, which is by setting a figure of how much they will require people to be earning should they wish to come here from abroad to live and bring their families with them, they’ve also told people here in the UK what exactly you actually need to be earning here in order to get by and have a family yourself and by doing that, has shown which jobs and professions don’t actually pay enough to live on and do that. The jobs that don’t actually make work pay. The figure you’ll be interested to know, is £38,700. If you as a couple aren’t making that, then you basically cannot afford to have a family without state help, which defeats the entire premise of making work pay. Not only is this designed to put off people from abroad coming here, it will also impact those already here, already struggling, from having families themselves. This is financial eugenics, both on migrants and the poor, the two demographics the Tories hate the most.
Right so, who dreamt this wonderful idea up then, well that’ll be Stockton’s biggest fan and the horribly misnamed Home Secretary James Cleverly, who reckons by raising what is called the acceptable minimum wage for foreign workers to bring their families with them to £38K, he’ll reduce migration by 300,000.
So how many of you are earning that much then? If this is the case, then shouldn’t we all be able to be earning that much and if not why not? Why this figure? You can only rationalise it by saying to yourself, the government hate migrants, they don’t want to supplement their incomes if they come here, so if they want their families to come with them, this is how much they must earn for the state to not need to support them and if they can’t get a high enough job, they can’t come here OR, they can’t bring their family with them.
Let’s just consider a moment salaries here. Average median salary for a worker in the UK is £29,000, so a couple on that, would in theory have no issues having a family, but as we all know, that median salary varies massively across the country and is also dragged upwards as an average by appallingly high wages, few people earn anything like £29K, that in reality is above average, so that ought to put in perspective to an extent how preposterously high Cleverly’s proposed acceptable minimum wage is, because that’s a single wage requirement. Therefore any job paying less than £38K is a job no longer available to foreign workers with families, unless they deliberately separate themselves and the worker comes here alone.
What sort of jobs might these include then? Well, again these are average salaries, so local and regional variance needs to be allowed for, but a band 4 nurse for example earns £27,586, a junior doctor starting salary is £32,300, a construction labourer £23,000, a care worker £23,410, a farm worker £23,400 and a starting wage for a university lecturer is £34,804.

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Damo Rants Kernow Damo tories,uk politics,politics,james cleverly,home secretary,rishi sunak,james cleverly migrants,immigration,migrants,acceptable minimum wage,minimum wage for migrants,migrant families wage,tory wage crisis,tory price of having a familiy,brits priced out of having children,cost of having children,kernow damo,damo rants,kernowdamo,damo,universal credit,benefits britain,british average salary,cost of living crisis uk,cost of living,cost of living crisis

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