5 months ago

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a creatively edited remaster of the original film, it has been upscaled, denoised, tone graded and image sharpened by AFLIX using proprietary technologies and software systems, therefore AFLIX holds all intellectual property over this version. Consequently, it cannot be shared, copied or distributed without ALFIX agreement and permission.

Horrors of Spider Island (German: Ein Toter hing im Netz, "A Corpse Hung in the Web") is a 1960 West German horror film written and directed by Fritz Böttger,. The film stars Alexander D'Arcy as Gary Webster, a talent agent who invites several girls to a club in Singapore. Their plane ride ends abruptly when they crash-land into the ocean. Webster and the women make their way to an island where they find a large spider web. A giant spider sinks its teeth into Webster which turns him into a mutant.

The film was released in the United States in 1962, and has been released with various English titles including It's Hot in Paradise, Hot in Paradise, Girls of Spider Island, Horror On the Spider Island and Spider's Web.

Gary Webster (Alexander D'Arcy), a nightclub manager, flies a group of women from New York City to dance in his club in Singapore. While flying over the Pacific Ocean, their plane catches fire, splits in half, and plummets into the ocean; oddly enough, no one in Gary's group is killed. We next see the group a few days later, suffering from dehydration on a life raft, before they finally spot a small island and stagger to dry land.

Shortly thereafter, they discover fresh water and decide to go exploring. They are quickly relieved to find a cabin, but delight turns to horror when they open the door to discover a dead man hanging from a gigantic spider web. According to his journal, the man was a Professor Green researching and mining for uranium, but he feared something terrible was about to happen to him. There's no indication how long the professor planned to be on the island, but the women estimate there is enough food to last them about a month.

That night, Gary proceeds alone out onto the island where he is bitten by a giant spider and turns into some type of spider-man beast. He flees into the woods, leaving the women to wonder what has happened to him. The next day, seemingly possessed by uncontrollable violent urges, Gary kills one of the girls. The remaining women, still unaware of what has happened to him, have no idea that he is the one who has done this.

Twenty-eight days pass, and the women are running low on food when they spot a ship on the horizon. They are unable to signal it before it leaves, but two men Joe and Bobby arrive in a rowboat with supplies for the professor. They soon find the women, who tell them the professor is dead. As they all wait for the ship to return, they celebrate their last night on the island with a wild party. One of the men sneaks off to rendezvous with a woman, but both end up being killed by Gary. Finally aware of Gary's fate, the remainder of the group hunts him down with torches until he flees into quicksand and dies.

Alexander D'Arcy as Gary Webster
Rainer Brandt as Bobby
Walter Faber as Mike Blackwood
Helga Franck as Georgia
Harald Maresch as Joe
Helga Neuner as Ann
Dorothee Parker as Gladys
Gerry Sammer as May
Eva Schauland as Nelly
Helma Vandenberg as Kate
Barbara Valentin as Babs
Elfie Wagner as Linda

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