Episode 424: A Sermon And Of Declared Charges

5 months ago

Full blog post at: https://bit.ly/3RyPFfz

Considering all the mess created by politicians and bureaucrats it’s time to hear the ‘Sermon And Of Declared Charges’ from the founding era. The sermon is ‘The Election Sermon of May 26, 1773. This sermon is even more pertinent now than when it was preached to Governor Hutchinson, the Council and the House of Representatives. You will understand more as I bring you excerpts and explanations from the Founders.

Consider this quote being directed to the ministers of the Founding era:
‘...for religious liberty is so blended with civil, that if one falls it is not to be expected that the other will continue.’

Just as it is now, remember that the early 1770’s were some of the most tumultuous times that had brought forth the ‘Declared Charges,’ which eventually were brought forth in 1776. I intend to show that the majority of those charges are the same as we are experiencing in our present age.

The Sermon
Reverend Turner not only has much to say to the political leaders and bureaucrats of 1773 but also to the general citizenry as well as specifically to ministers and church leaders. In this sermon, he very directly addresses the rights of the Citizens to act according to good conscience as well as resist tyranny. He tells the ministers that they are responsible to bring the Gospel truth to governance. He clearly charges the pulpits and christians to apply every aspect of Biblical principles into every aspect of government under the sovereignty of Christ.

I would have to conclude from this sermon that Rev. Turner is a foreshadow of a Christian Nationalist. He calls on the elected to put down moral degenerates, ensure the liberty of the Gospel and govern as servants of Almighty God. Otherwise, be under judgement, even as we are in this present age.

Consider this from the middle of the sermon, beginning with:
‘The people ought to have the end of government, the public good, at heart, as well as the magistrate; and therefore, to yield all loyal subjection to well regulated government, in opposition to every thing of a factious nature and complexion: and, for the same reason, it is not only their privilege, but it is also their duty, properly to assert their freedom, and take all rational and necessary methods for the public security and happiness, when constitutional boundaries are broken over, and so their rights are invaded. This affirmation supposes, the People have a right to judge of the conduct of government, and its tendency; and this again supposes them capable of judging in things of such a nature.’ Read the rest at: https://bit.ly/3RyPFfz

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