Your neighbour the anti-semite. Are you anti-Semitic ? 31 March 2009 MCP

6 months ago

Nancy Ames – Eagle Newsletter Jan/Feb 2005 published by Dr Harrel Rhome
Many people believe that extreme anti-Jewish opinions are the consequences of bad personal experiences. That is, if you are personally screwed over by a Jew, sometime in your life, you’ve jumped on the quite unjustified conclusion that all Jews are therefore bad. No doubt that sort of thing does happen. But that really is not the foundation of most anti-Jewish opinions. If one examines the ideological foundations of most anti-Semites, one finds that their anti-Semitism arises from an informed reading of the Jewish impression upon history. It is not infrequent to find hardened anti-Semites who regularly buy from Jewish retailers, because they appreciate the quality of the merchandise. Thus the extrapolation from bad personal experiences, simply does not hold up in most cases.
Contrary to the stereotype, most anti-Semites are not ignorant, an educated types. Far from it. A significant proportion of them, have read very widely. Much of their information comes from Jewish reference works or from reputable academic studies. They’re not intellectual lightweights, and they’re not arguing from ignorance.
It is fashionable, to dismiss any anti-Jewish opinions is prejudice, because it avoids the necessity of rationally examining an alternative, but exceedingly well documented, interpretation of history.
The anti-Semite has great difficulty finding an outlet for his views. This is not surprising. A well-educated anti-Semite will quickly destroy the stereotype of psychopathic prejudice, if given the opportunity to present his case. That is why he is never given the opportunity.
Anti-Semitism does not flourish in public, where it can lead to instant career destruction and social ostracism. But it flourishes behind the scenes, where people can read some shocking, but very well documented facts on their computer screens. The anti-Semite is not what he seems. He does not make bombs in his garage or plot to assassinate his Jewish neighbour. But he does earnestly desire to make known information of the kind, which might re-orient thinking minds, to a problem of which most of them, are only vaguely aware.

Are you anti-Semitic?
If Semitism is attacking your neighbours, brutalising defenceless innocent people, taking the lands and destroying their homes, then yes, I am anti-Semitic.
If Semitism is spying on your alleged friends, stealing their secrets and selling them for profit, or using them against “friends”, then yes, I am anti-Semitic.
If Semitism staging false flag terrorist attacks, and blaming them on other nations or people, then yes, I am anti-Semitic.
If Semitism is smearing anyone who dares speak up for justice and freedom in a realistic sense, then yes, I am anti-Semitic.
If Semitism is fooling a nation in doing illegal and unjust militarily actions for them, in which millions are slaughtered, then yes, I am anti-Semitic.
If Semitism is controlling the media and how people perceive the world, then yes, I am anti-Semitic.
If Semitism puts one group above others, in a racially superior sense, then yes, I am anti-Semitic.
If Semitism blackmails and smears public leaders into submission, to an agenda that is an American, then yes, I am anti-Semitic.
If Semitism makes US leaders put the interests of Israel, an apartheid nation, above those of American citizens, then yes, I am anti-Semitic.

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