The IOWA Caucuses: Casey DeSantis tells voters from out-of-state to come to Iowa and "participate"

5 months ago

Newsweek: "Casey DeSantis Accused of Urging Voter Fraud With Iowa Caucus Remarks"

CNN: "Ron, Casey DeSantis forced to play cleanup over Iowa Caucus remarks"
"Speaking to reporters after the event, the Florida governor denied that his wife was encouraging people to illegally vote in the January 15 caucus, ..."

The HILL: "Trump campaign slams Casey DeSantis’s push for out-of-state help in Iowa"

"“Casey DeSantis’ embrace of voter fraud to salvage her husband’s failing campaign is not just wrong, it risks compromising the integrity of the Iowa Caucus,” Make America Great Again Inc. spokesperson Karoline Leavitt said in a statement."

THE NEW YORK TIMES: "Casey DeSantis Invited Outsiders to Caucus in Iowa. The State Party Said No."

"The Iowa Republican Party reminded supporters that only residents can vote in the first-in-the-nation caucuses, which will be held on Jan. 15."

"Casey DeSantis, the wife of Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, drew criticism on Saturday from the rival campaign of former President Donald J. Trump for seeking to recruit out-of-state supporters to participate in the nation’s first Republican nominating contest.

"The backlash came a day after Ms. DeSantis, during a Fox News appearance with her husband, urged supporters from elsewhere to “descend upon the state of Iowa to be a part of the caucus.”

“You do not have to be a resident of Iowa to be able to participate in the caucus,” said Ms. DeSantis, who has been a key player in her husband’s campaign and was specifically addressing mothers and grandmothers who support him.

"But the call to action is at odds with caucus rules, according to the Republican Party of Iowa, which hours later said that nonresidents were barred from caucusing."

"The Trump campaign continued to seize upon Ms. DeSantis’s remarks on Saturday, calling on Gov. Kim Reynolds of Iowa, who has endorsed Mr. DeSantis and snubbed Mr. Trump, to clarify the caucus eligibility rules. It also demanded that Ms. Reynolds disavow the tactics promoted by Ms. DeSantis as “flagrantly wrong that could further disenfranchise caucusgoers.”

See also: THE WASHINGTON POST: Iowa GOP says only residents can caucus after Casey DeSantis urges others to ‘participate’

The Des Moines Register: “Casey DeSantis asked everyone to 'participate' in the caucus. Do you have to be an Iowan?”

“Yes, you have to be an Iowan to caucus.”

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