The Real "NOT so Hidden Meaning" behind the Obama Produced Movie – “Leave the World Behind”

5 months ago

This is pretty much the END GAME Plan of what is to come. It is the Blue Print. Yeah, how would Obama KNOW this? Hmm.

Obama wasn’t the lead producer but he provided a lot of notes on the script and gave his take on how a real-world disaster of this proportion would actually pan out. The director Sam Esmail said that Barack Obama said “You’re off by a few details.” Now how would a former president know this?

Obama has a production company called “Higher Ground.” I’m sure there is much hidden meaning behind the name as these sickos always communicate to their own in right in front of us with their words, normies are just oblivious to this fact.

Summary from UltraMJTruth on Twitter (X) --

This film was Executive Produced by Barrack Obama and Michelle Obama.

This film in a nutshell was about a CYBER ATTACK “by hackers” on America. (*Really a long term PLAN by the Globablists as they already know what is to happen as they wrote this script decades ago.)

FULL STOP— Why would a former president and his husband executive produce a film about a cyber attack on America by “foreign hackers”?

It was filled with so many evil and occult symbols and future undertones, it made my head spin..

Right off the bat, within the first two minutes, there is a blatant 666 in your face.

There was a scene where a drone-type of device dropped thousands of flyers with a Snake photo that said, “Death to America”. But there were other flyers in other locations in other languages. A prepper insinuated that America made a lot of Enemies and they teamed up and invaded.

Turns out… It was an all-out attack using a 3 Stage maneuver to topple a government from within that ended with bombs dropping in cities.

• Isolation— Disable all communications and transportation, Making people deaf dumb and paralyzed
• Synchronized chaos— terrorize with covert attacks and disinformation- no clear enemy
• coup d'é·tat - Civil war and collapse.

The White House and cities were attacked by rough forces said a bunker terminal.

We all remember Iranian lawmakers chanting Death to America.

What did the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab “Predict”?
There will be a Cyber Pandemic..

Is it a coincidence Tucker Carlson talked of an EMP Attack in The US as an outcome if we go to War with Iran.

Other Notables:
Checkerboard and eye occult symbols, lots of emphasis on clocks and time, NASA & Obey T-shirts

There was a very loud ear-piercing noise, believed to be a microwave weapon causing brain damage and loss of teeth.

There was a strong emphasis on the show FRIENDS… season 10 Episode 17, titled “The Last One” Where a little girl was obsessed with what happens with Rachel. She couldn’t watch it because everything was down.

The Last One was also a chapter in this movie and the movie ends the girl watching it in a bunker as the movie ended.

This was one Fooked up movie— and it has predictive programming written all over it. It was so disturbing, my wife who doesn’t pay attention to much was disturbed. But Maybe that’s the point.


Do people still believe that Trump and his family isn’t in on all of this? Trump and his family were promised lifetime roles in the New World, what’s to come after all this happens.

The 5G Towers are not for Internet. When they cut the electric grid they will use these towers for some purpose, not sure what yet but I do have theories.

While all this shit goes down, guess where your beloved Trump will be? In his underground bunker watching it all on video and laughing it up with his buddies.

Trump is there to add to the CHAOS – as their theme is always “Order out of Chaos”, it is not natural chaos, it if scripted chaos, it is MIND CONTROL to change our perception of reality when reality is just their GAME – it is their Theater – it is their MOVIE.

When the Grid and the Internet come back on -- they may make Trump look like the hero who saved the world. The aftermath of all of this will horrific. Millions of Deaths. I believe this will occur in the Winter sometime and of course our own government is in on it. The plan is to move the power to China at the very end. Americal is done. The shifting of power is the reset along with a major event that will depopulate and get everyone on the SAME page when the lights come back on. Dark to their Light.

Wake Up!

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