May 2, 2011 🎺 All shall hear My Word and My Voice shall resound

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The Lord says... My Word shall be heard by All & My Voice shall resound

May 2, 2011 - From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, for a brother in Christ, and for all Those who have Ears to Hear

Regarding the hateful and violent reaction he received, while reading The Lord’s Letters outside a church

Thus says The Lord... It is written... 'The heart of this people has waxed gross, their ears are very dull of hearing and their eyes they have shut; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and be fully converted… And I should heal them.'

Therefore My son, return not again to that place. For the ground upon which you have walked shall remain, but that which was before your eyes shall not remain… Even all of it shall be consumed! Says The Lord.

For I shall take that which belongs to Me, and that remaining shall be removed!… Removed from My sight! For I am The Lord who sees, The One who knows.

And in the day, which comes quickly, I shall rise up in My witnesses and in them My voice shall resound… Behold, My words shall burst forth from their lips, a strong wind pushing the hearers backward! And the people shall be oppressed!… For the word of The Lord shall be heard and weigh heavily upon them!

In that day, My servants shall have no need of scripts or prepared speeches; they shall take nothing with them. And the devices of men shall be of no use to them; for one in the inner rooms will hear, even as those who stand outside. And when My servants speak, My words shall strike the people hard upon their chests, sinking deep into the heart of every hearer… Behold, My words shall pass through the multitudes, as the hidden strength of the sun passes through the earth unseen.

Behold! Those afar off and those behind shall hear!… For even that which I speak in a whisper, or in quiet passion, shall enter into every ear… For I AM THE LORD.

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