5 months ago

Less than 24 hours before she committed suicide, her boyfriend --> https://t.me/ChestyP/2284 posted a photo on his Instagram with a new woman --> https://t.me/ChestyP/2287
That may have been the breaking point for her.
She couldn't train anymore, was in constant pain, her doctors were "baffled" and her (ex) boyfriend was wining and dining another woman.


"WORLD CUP BRONZE!! 🥉😍 Wonderful and incredible😭 40km trail in Chiang Mai🇹🇭 As the youngest in the starting field, I only had the ambition to run and gather experiences for the future but it became so much more than that !? 🤩 @wmtrc2021thailand




"Been a while since I’ve posted anything here. And that’s because since the end of July my body shut down. Haven’t been able to train anything due to a extremely high heart rate. (120-150 bpm) just standing up. Just taking a walk is painful right now. Have been to the hospital and visit the medical over 20 times but every single blood test/ ekg/ cycle test is good. Still my body is super stressed although I have given it so much love the past months❤️‍🩹 Maybe it was to much for a 21 year old girl to run Transvulcania 48k and WMTRC 45k with less then one month in between.

I am super sad because running and training means so much. But now, just living a normal life is difficult. I have spent more hours in bed than on my feets this past month.

Maybe one day I will be back. Or I won’t. I hope my body can recover from this 🙏🏼💔"


Swedish Athletics mourns Emilia Brangefält
"Swedish Athletics is sad. National team runner Emilia Brangefält has left us at just 21 years old.

Emilia Brangefält was a young and very promising runner who had already made a big impression in her favorite trail discipline. Last year she won both a SM gold in Genarp and a WC bronze in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and this summer she came fifth in the WC in Innsbruck.

Today we think above all of the person Emilia and our thoughts also go to her loved ones.

During her last months, Emilia felt very bad, both physically and mentally. She had good support from those closest to her, but on November 13 she ended her life.

- It is so deeply tragic. I have a hard time finding words, says Swedish Athletics Federation captain Kajsa Bergqvist.

- I didn't know Emilia personally but have understood that she was a very nice person, a forward-thinking, lovely, talented girl with her whole life ahead of her. On behalf of Swedish Athletics, I send my warmest thoughts to Emilia's closest bereaved.

In Emilia's association Västerås FK, the news has taken a heavy toll on many and the club has worked a lot in recent days with conversations in the various training groups.

Today, the club has published a text on its website informing about the incident. "We are an association in mourning and send all love and strength to Emilia's family," writes Västerås FK, who will honor Emilia at the annual VFK gala this Friday.

Karl Avedal, national team leader in the national trail team, has in recent days spoken to many runners who were close to Emilia:

- This has come as a shock message for Löparsverige and for me personally. The grief and loss are shared by so many. My friends in the trail national team and I remember her as the happy, very popular girl she was, full of energy. Her personality lifted the team. It feels completely surreal that she is actually gone.

The funeral will take place in the circle of the closest ones. On Emilia's memorial page, you can, among other things, write words of remembrance or make a donation to Suicide Zero , an organization that works to reduce suicides."



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