Man demands Lady Smith's resignation (CHAIR of the SCOTTISH CHILD ABUSE INQUIRY)

5 months ago

1st ever Public Awareness Event held opposite the High Court in Edinburgh (Parliament Square) held by the new STEPS-TO-JUSTICE-CLUB.

Good people are calling out people like the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry chair, Lady Smith whose outrageous, bullying behaviour serves to protect paedophile lawyers and judges both dead and alive.

Link to Advocat and Part-Time Sheriff’s, John Halley’s book ‘A Judicial Monstering’.
Read Halley’s account of Anne Smith’s un-lady-like, RUTHLESS behaviour, meted out to him in order to:
(1) get him off the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI).
(2) bury evidence of prostitution / organised trafficking in state-run childrens’ homes in Scotland.
(3) to send a message loud and clear she, and those child abusers Lady Smith protects, are ABOVE THE LAW.

If you Google ‘John Halley’ you’ll find sensational newspaper articles making out he is some kind of sexual deviant himself, yet testimony in his book, which includes plenty of email correspondence evidence, proves he is innocent of wrongdoing. The charge, based on a few Whatsapp messages sent to him BY AN ADULT) are still outstanding. Crucially, THE CONTENTS OF HIS BOOK HAVE YET TO BE CHALLENGED. The arrest and charge was/is to destroy him, destroy his family life, destroy his career, destroy his income, destroy his life and to send a message to others not to mess with the Scottish Mafia (aka the Scottish Judiciary).

Nothing changes in Scotland until a total restructuring of the Scottish Judiciary takes place (Halley does makes suggestions in this regard). Insane conflicts of interest, and lack of oversight of lawyers in incredibly powerful positions, must be stamped out. Until then we live in a Banana Republic run by a small group of out-of-control, power-drunk lawyers who use police and police informers to protect them from ever being arrested, charged and tried for their heinous crimes as not-protected members of society would be.

We will not accept living in a two-tier society where those PROTECTED can not be jailed for having sex with children and we, the NOT-PROTECTED, can be jailed for having said a wrong word.

If you DON’T stand with Advocat John Halley you are siding with the child abuser protection racket in the Scottish Judiciary and please don’t come crying to us when they arrest you for saying a banned phrase or word.
This sad period in history will be known as the SCOTTISH UN-ENLIGHTENMENT.

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