Favourite journo of Starmer’s Labour implicated in phone hacking!

5 months ago

How Can Starmer's Labour keep using their go to news leaker Lee Harpin now that he's been implicated in phone hacking?
Right, so Piers Morgan of course dominated the story of phone hacking yesterday, but all the judgement ultimately said about him was that he had to have known and as my video yesterday on this covered there is ample evidence that seems to back this up, but it’s another hack frankly, I shun the term journalist in this instance, because another name that came up has become so intrinsically linked to Starmer’s Labour, the guy that Starmer’s bunch of right wingers love to leak information to, who was also mentioned in the High Court Judgement on Mirror Group Newspapers, mentioned some 50 times in fact, not far off the number of mentions of Morgan, a guy seemingly so up to his neck in phone hacking, that he got referred to in the judgement as the ‘phone-hacking dauphin. Not only that but he has been involved also in the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn and the continued weaponisation of antisemitism after he left the Mirror and went to work for the Jewish Chronicle and Jewish News. You may not have heard of him, he might be infamous to you, but we really do need to talk about Starmer’s Labour’s ongoing close relationship with Lee Harpin following this judgement.
Right, so Lee Harpin. My God where do you start with this guy? Well let’s start with the Mirror court case and where he fits into this story.
Harpin worked for the Mirror once upon a time, in fact at one point or other he worked for all three Mirror Group Newspapers titles, including being a one time head of news at The People.
There are a number of examples where Harpin is referred to in the High Court Judgement, cursorily as being involved in some other examples of what the judgement refers to as UIG, standing for unauthorised information gathering and VMI, which stands for voicemail interception, but to sum up Harpin’s role in things whist he was at Mirror Group Newspapers, here are some of the things it said specifically about him:
‘Lee Harpin (2003-2005) The majority of his payments from MGN from 2003- 2005 are likely to have been in respect of UIG.’
So the judgement decided that the majority of what Harpin was being paid to do at this time, was in respect of unauthorised information gathering. The inference as part of this judgement is that that means phone hacking.
‘Lee Harpin, the “Dauphin of hacking”, was senior news editor and then deputy news editor and head of news over the High Court Approved Judgment Various v MGN Page 81 period 2005-2012.’
Dauphin of hacking, that’s quite a title to win isn’t it?
‘Documents disclosed by MGN show that Lee Harpin (news desk) commissioned ELI on 15 April 2005 in relation to “A Gibson” and that his extension (3206) then called Ms Gibson’s mobile phone 29 times between 19 and 23 April 2005 – after the publicity of the News of the World deal but before its article was published. I agree with the claimants that the obvious inference here is that Mr Harpin was hacking Ms Gibson’s mobile phone in order to obtain a story before the News of the World published.’
Abbie Gibson for context was at this time the nanny employed by David and Victoria Beckham.

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Damo Rants Kernow Damo starmer,keir starmer,labour,labour party,keir starmer liverpool,starmer's labour,starmer media links,starmer journalists,lee harpin,lee harpin keir starmer,lee harpin audrey white,kernow damo,damo rants,uk politics,jeremy corbyn,audrey white labour,lee harpin mirror group,lee harpin phone hacking,the phone hacking dauphin,phone hacking,phone hacking scandal,lee harpin skwawkbox,skwawkbox,kernowdamo,damo,mirror group newspapers,piers morgan

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