Wes Streeting's attack on 'unsustainable' NHS is a push for austerity.

5 months ago

It's more Tory austerity for the NHS under Labour as the dreadful Wes Streeting throws his own future brief under the bus!
Right, so where once we on the left were saying repeatedly to vote Labour to save the NHS, that boat has firmly sailed. After 13 years of the Tories vandalising the service, underfunding it and privatising the profitable bits where the NHS used to make money themselves out of, selling them off, putting them out to tender to the highest bidder so those profits ended up in the pockets of the already wealthy, Labour now won’t put that into reverse.
You see the bought and paid for by private health interests shadow Health Minister and ultra Starmer loyalist Wes Streeting is instead blaming the service itself and not for the first time. He has said in no uncertain terms there will be no extra money for the NHS, that we can have a properly funded NHS or we can deal with child poverty, we can’t have both. He has accused the NHS of being complacent and that there is simply no money to put into the service due to the Tories damage to the economy. Yet another politician who doesn’t understand economics then. Streeting has been his usual rude, obnoxious, intensely dislikable self is telling us that our health service, which Labour created, won’t be rescued by him or the Labour Party of today, even going so far as to call the spending on it unsustainable. Will it be Labour that destroys the NHS?
Right, so Wes Streeting as regular viewers will know is right up there in the Damo thinks they’re a wrong-un stakes and in no small part is that due to the man’s dislikeable nature, craven loyalty to Keir Starmer and just the fact he’s whopping great red Tory. The endless supply of bulls**t that he spouts on the media rounds, you’d honestly think he was a cattle farmer and nothing quite shows that than when he is talking about the NHS, or rather talking it down.
Young Wesley is threatening NHS reform folks! As if we haven’t seen enough of that under the Tories. It has been reformed into a shadow of it’s former self, bits a pieces sold off, leaving just the less profitable bits, the emergency medicine, the NHS we all need in an emergency as the underfunded uncared for part and Streeting is saying that reform is needed because spending has become unsustainable. It’s not the NHS itself that is unsustainable though of course, it is the profiteering out of all the stuff that got sold off!
So what has Weaselly Wesley said then Damo? Well, he was doing the media rounds this Sunday, so let’s start with his turn on LBC. He said that he felt there was complacency in the NHS and that for many people they think that the service just needs more money, this is his anxiety about it apparently. The NHS does need more money, we know the service is being underfunded, we know this is intentional. You know, just think about the inflation we’ve seen in the economy since the pandemic, the pandemic where our health workers were called heroes, where we clapped for them, while they saved our lives and the Tories spent billions not on the service, but in dodgy PPE rackets. The millions the likes of Michelle ‘don’t hate me, I’m really the victim here’ Mone got away with.

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Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialistTelly)
I'm an unpaid carer for my disabled wife and daughter and as such we know all too well the difficulties that associated with that living in Tory Britain and I personally believe the answer lies in socialism.
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Damo Rants Kernow Damo wes streeting,labour,nhs,wes streeting mp,labour party,keir starmer,wes streeting lbc,wes streeting interview,wes streeting nhs,wes streeting keir starmer,wes streeting austerity,wes streeting nhs funding,wes streeting laura kuenssberg,economic lies,how does the government fund stuff,nhs or child poverty,wes streeting private health donations,labour private health donors,kernow damo,damo rants,damo,starmer,kernowdamo,nhs reform,tax reform

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