Israel is getting crippled by Yemen sanctions!

5 months ago

Oh the power of little Yemen by virtue of it's geography! Demands for a Gaza ceasefire are crippling Israeli shipping!
Right, so economic sanctions on Israel, frankly the world should be imposing full Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions on them right now, but the only country prepared to actually do that and show full throated solidarity with Palestine in defiance of the rest of the world, happens to be the poorest country in the Middle East, Yemen, itself having been subject to bombardment from Saudi Arabia for some time, but despite being rather poor, Yemen has geography on it’s side when it comes to sanctioning Israel and it’s kicking them straight in the shipping lanes. It’s common knowledge that the Suez Canal from the Mediterranean Sea into the Red Sea and vice versa is a global shortcut for commerce, but when you talk about a narrow canal to squeeze goods through, people don’t tent to think about the other end of the Red Sea and the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, which translates into the Gate of Tears or Gate of Grief and grief is what it is giving Israel and anyone else trying to supply them right now. The Bab-el-Mandeb Strait is only 16 miles across at its narrowest, between Yemen and Djibouti in East Africa, it’s also perilous to navigate due to other geographical factors, therefore anything passing through the Strait, heading north towards Israel can easily be reached by missiles fired by the Houthis in Yemen. An economic blockade in effect. But as fine as economic sanctions might be, when it comes to Israel, the rest of the world seems to have a problem with it.
Right, so Yemen, they’ve imposed economic sanctions on Israel by basically saying any vessel attempting to round their coast, and Yemen being on the South-Western corner of the Arabian Peninsula as it is, they will have to be rounding pretty much their entire coastline if coming from the East and of course the narrowness of the Bab-el-Mendeb Strait means they can make good on their sanctions and they have been.
The Israeli port of Eilat is basically closed, as shipping being received there is down 80%. 12 major shipping firms including CMA CGM, Maersk, MSC and Hapag-Lloyd have all stopped moving tankers through the Red Sea due to the serious risk of attack. A Norwegian tanker heading for Israel was attacked and caught fire, though nobody was injured. The cost of marine insurance has gone through the roof for Israel now and freight is having to choose the old route of going all the way around Africa to avoid Yemen, sending the price of good soaring.
As far as we’re concerned though, did you notice that Rishi Sunak has now called for a ceasefire? Agreeing what David Cameron said the other day about the need for a sustainable ceasefire? Did you notice Keir Starmer finally catch up and agree with that too just today? Leadership with Keir Starmer, jumping as soon as someone else already has. He reminds me of a queue of penguins waiting to jump off an ice flow in case there is a Leopard Seal waiting in the water. He’ll be the one that always jumps in last. I wonder what could have prompted that?

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