Домашний концерт под гитару 21.12.2023

5 months ago

Home concert with guitar 21/12/2023
Домашний концерт под гитару 21.12.2023
Home concert with a guitar for December 21, 2023
The author of the first song performed in the video recording, entitled I Want Change, is Viktor Tsoi. The author of all other songs that are heard further in the video recording is Ruslan Antr
The author of the first song performed in the video recording, entitled I Want Change, is Viktor Tsoi. The author of all other songs that are heard further in the video recording is Ruslan Antr
I present a written translation of all the songs, which are heard in this video. In general, in fact, basically, in order to convey the poetic sound of the words in rhyme of any song from another language with a clear meaning, it is necessary to know through the language the culture of the language into which the song is being translated, at the same time, you need to re-write and compose the lyrics of the song - with the same meaning: That's why I made the translation not in accordance with how the lyrics sound poetically in rhyme, but in accordance with more or less the meaning of the words

1 Song by V. Tsoi - I Want Change

Instead of heat, the glow of ice,
Instead of fire there is smoke.
A day has been snatched from the calendar grid
The red sun burns to ashes
The day burns out with him.
And the burning city disappears into shadows.

Our hearts demand change
Our eyes demand change,
In our laughter and in our tears,
And in the pulsation of veins
We are waiting for changes.

Electric light continues our day
And the matchbox is empty
But in the kitchen the gas burns like a blue flower.
Cigarettes in hands, tea on the table,
This scheme is simple.
And there is nothing else, everything is within us.

Our hearts demand change
Our eyes demand change,
In our laughter and in our tears,
And in the pulsation of veins
We are waiting for changes.

We cannot boast of the wisdom of the eyes
And by skillful hand gestures,
We don't need all this to understand each other.
Cigarettes in hands, tea on the table,
This circuit is simple.
And suddenly we become afraid to change anything.

Our hearts demand change
Our eyes demand change,
In our laughter and in our tears,
And in the pulsation of veins
We are waiting for changes.

2 Children of the sleep
They looked at the stars, they waited for the day, they did not see the sun and do not know warmth, they have dark faces and evil eyes.
The full moon rose, a new misfortune came, they looked at the starry cities, a white bird fell and war began.

Children of sleep, children of sleep.

A sluggish fire burns, and in it is a sleepy Mother, she loves these guys very much,
they heal of killed streets by darkness.
And you are one of them, you are like them, you cannot wait and do not want to sleep, your night is blind, your song is poor.

Children of sleep, children of sleep.

3 Anthem of the Night
Lonely traveler night, gave the streets rain,
Colored lights came on, green dreams appeared.
And on the body of the city of days, an army of shadows hid,
stupefied the lunar daughter, and starry rain began to fall.

On a white night.

And the forgotten inhabitants of dreams await star bonfires,
singing a sonorous song, driving away dark flattery.
And the lazy king of the sunset closes the sunny garden,
Along the road shackled by darkness, he sees off the red fire.

On a white night

4 Deadly battle in the dark
The white walls of broken houses are waiting for their masters,
and in the time of winter dreams the spring ringing can already be heard.
In the cycle of eternal struggle, the banner of warmth is already visible,
but during winter sleep the gray darkness still operates.

And if you go out into the darkness taking deadly battle
And in the summer you will be water, when will of deadly heat
And if you can get through taking deadly battle
And you will be forever alive, even in the heat, even in winter, even in spring.

The white walls of broken houses are waiting for their masters,
and the beautiful square is covered in ice and like a cemetery of the dead.
The light of lanterns in the reflection is deception, the illusion of light is heat,
but in reality, during sleep, gray darkness still operates.

And if you go out into the darkness taking deadly battle
And in the summer you will be water, when will of deadly heat
And if you can get through taking deadly battle
And you will be forever alive, even in the heat, even in winter, even in spring.

5 – I will go to the city of gold
A new song pours again like rain,
pours like rain in the transition of the Thar desert.
New Year on the threshold knocking on the house,
I would like to be reborn with him like phoenix smoke.

And in the summer, when the sun illuminates my path, I will go to the golden city.
To meet you there beauty and stay with you forever.

At this hour, you can hear the breathing of eyes, eyes that are not earthly, as if scanning.
And on earth, the wind is everywhere everywhere.
This is earth, so refreshing.

6 – Captives of gray sleep
From the early morning sky the song of a falcon is heard,
penetrating into the basement, to the prisoners of a gray dream.
Prisoner, remember your years, and do not despair,
so that later when the prison collapses, you won’t go blind without your mind.

Mithras, Mithras, the power of Christ.
You take away the minds of traitors, in the temptation of gold.
Mithra, Mithra, conqueror of evil.
Show us the right path, in this illusion of sleep.

This song is heard by everyone from early childhood,
it conveys the wisdom of the angel in the soul
And when the hour comes to prepare the eyes,
if your essence is good no amount of dirt will affect you

7 – Angel of the morning star
There where the secret east is, where the beginning of paths, where the day begins from the birth of years. The heavy door of the abyss opens, the shadowy angel comes out on the appointed day.

At dawn, he enters the city, and in the city that, like two drops of water, thieves and the law.
It starts its path like a gray shadow, follows the road of uninvited guests.

And in the west the Sun, in the west is day, everything goes on its own on the appointed o'clock. Someone is happy from happiness, and someone from evil, someone went out of the house and gone forever.

8 - Spring again
The rain outside the window waters the greenery of the dark alleys,
from white sleep, glimpses of future days are noticeable.
And again spring decorates with colors in the gray silence - a foggy night rising in the world of mysterious stars

The ringing, in the wind, carries with the clouds into the gray bottom,
and in the dark window, I see silent movies again.
And thousands of troubles disappear in time of white sleep,
but the scorched mark will always remain on this road.

The rain outside the window waters the greenery of the dark alleys,
With the last fire, the light of the lanterns in the city burns out.
And thousands of troubles disappear in time of white sleep,
or maybe not, or maybe it’s all just a game.

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