Robert West

5 months ago

Robert West
Headed back from work I heard about the lock-downs on the radio and almost cried with rage and disappointment. After spending 50+ years doing what I was supposed to do my state, Texas looked as if the socialist had invaded and won. The churches were closed, the private businesses were closed, public meetings were outlawed and the courts were largely closed. Citizens were not being treated equally under the law as we had been divided into “essential” and “non-essential” according to the will of one man, the governor of Texas.

I sat down and tried to figure out how we had gotten to this point. It was not due to a lack of voting or the “wrong” party being in power. This was 49 out of 50 state governors acting as tyrants. For those that object, tyrant is merely an official that claims powers not granted them.

I came up with career politicians of both flavors being the root cause and set my mind to replacing politicians with patriots. I wrote a book and toured the state sharing the ideas. I endorsed some 40 candidates and did all I could to get them elected, I set about filling some 1,500 precinct chairs after finding out almost half were empty.

I now focus on filling precinct chairs and finding volunteers to run against the establishment precinct chairs, the cowards and cronies that want to make sure we never hold our elected accountable.
If you are asking “What can I do?” then “The Five Star Plan” has your answer and if you think the problems are too complex, then “The Five Star Plan 2024” will show you they are not.

Robert West
The Five Star Plan
—-------------------------------------------Who are the heroes of today?
They are expert physicians and scientists speaking out against medical tyranny.
They are lawyers fighting illegal and unconstitutional mandates in the courts.
They are wealthy entrepreneurs forming alternative media platforms to expose the truth.
And they are political candidates taking on the Deep State and all forms of government corruption.
At the same time, today’s war against the dictator-wannabes is being fought on many fronts much closer to home, by many everyday people:
Patients, who have to protect personal health information – and bodily autonomy – from health system surveillance and coercion.
Citizens, who have to protect their privacy — and their private property — against encroaching Digital ID and CBDC.
Parents, who have to push back against disruptive campaigns in schools, including critical race theory and transgender grooming.
Town residents, who have to preserve municipal resources — schools, hospitals, even whole neighborhoods — from invading illegal immigrants.
Everyday people have to become everyday heroes. We have no choice. The forces of tyranny have advanced — not just to our doorstep — but into our minds, bodies, bank accounts, and medical records. We must either rise to the occasion, or we must accept our lot as transactional units in the Technocratic State.
These are the stories of these Freedom Fighters. We can take inspiration and motivation from each and every one of them, to persevere in the fight for our own freedom.

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