Incarnating into "The System of Suffering"

5 months ago


Another dream- another video!

The Cosmos is opening up and as such it is A LOT easier to CLEAR out energies then it was maybe 3- 4 years ago. If you tune in to your body you can probably feel energies that are wanting to leave or beliefs that feel really outdated and unsupportive- including relationships! This is because as The Cosmos moves and grooves- we feel this in our Earthly bodies.

I forgot to mention SCAPEGOATING is BIG in The System of Suffering Communication Style.

How to tell if someone is in "The System of Suffering" and are projecting onto you:
• High Levels of Conflict,
•Refusal to see a balanced perspective or harmonise through differences
• Makes you responsible for their inner insecurities through high levels of manipulation
• Gets highly triggered when you do not align with their beliefs on how the world is .
•High Levels of Inferiority/ Superiority coming from the lower ego
• Refusal to take accountability or responsibility for what they are putting out into the world
• Baiting, Lying and Deceiving
•High levels of manipulative communication- no ability to see you as a person

A Helping Hand to get you started:
The place you want to start is The Inner Child ( especially if you grew up in a broken home, your parents were not loving and supportive of you- they used the above communication styles to raise you) . If you grew up in poverty and high levels of anxiety healing The Inner Child will begin to move you out of The System of Suffering .
Please note- that it can take a little while sometimes to empower the Inner Child and usually your soul knows the timing and will help you to clear.
You also want to work with Mother/ Father Wounds. These collective wounds will keep you "stuck" energetically in The System of Suffering- the majority of us have " suffered" though Old World Family dynamics. Heal and clear these archaic masculine/ feminine energies and you IMMEDIATELY begin to move up into higher, more empowered expressions of your masculine expression or feminine expression free of Masculine and Feminine strife.

You want to use your discernment with healers- you cannot heal The Inner Child or Masculine and Feminine wounds over night - but a very good healer can get you started clearing them and give you the tools and empowerment to help you.

Specifically with Mother Father Wounds- you cannot by-pass any pain or trauma you have experienced- you NEED to feel it to release it and move ON from the trauma.
The majority of "trauma" we project or blame others for are very archaic beliefs that keep us in a state of suffering.

Past Life Healing- You will be blown away by how a trauma of something that happened a very long time ago will hold an INCREDIBLE amount of power over you in this present day incarnation! I have seen insane traumas of the heart and rejection create life time after life time trauma- heal some Past Life wounding and free yourself from trauma that still sits in your energy body!

All of this is incredibly practical and commonsense - you don't need crystals, a strenuous meditation routine or "rituals" to know your spirit and soul. Your soul is in THE HERE AND NOW!!! what are you going to do with yourself!

When we clear the trauma and Inner Child it becomes easier and clearer for us to feel authentic feelings of the soul vs trauma and projections of The System of Suffering.

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Bailey is a clairvoyant spirit medium , healing channel and "bridge" to the The Spirit World and The Higher Realms.
Bailey aims to bridge the spiritual with the everyday world earthly experience with commonsense, practicality and high levels of ease and flow!
She had a dream to set up this channel and so she did!
She is based in New Zealand.


B x

DISCLAIMER: Bailey is a psychic medium and healer thus works as a "bridge" for higher energies and works with energetics. She is not a trained psychologist, dietitian, doctor or therapist. Bailey's advice, guidance and healing sessions are supportive and complementary in their use. She is not responsible for actions you take after ingesting this information. She asks you to use your common sense and tune in to what feels right and just for you.

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