The strength of a nation is not empty talk

5 months ago

Video: The strength of a nation is not empty talk. It is how quick to mobilize in time of natural disasters to save lives. China takes hours but US takes days to weeks like Katrina hurricane disaster 屈穎妍 有理說得清 最大的國力

Adversity reveals true love, and disaster reveals ability. How strong a country's governance and mobilization capabilities are will be revealed after a major disaster. At 11:59 pm on December 18, when everyone was enjoying their sweet dreams, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. The temperature at that time was more than ten degrees below zero. We often hear that the best rescue time after an earthquake is the golden 72 hours, but it turns out that the rescue time in extreme weather is only 24 hours. So, how to race against time in the cold weather is definitely Big test. 580 people from the Gansu Fire Brigade, 88 fire trucks, and 12 search dogs rushed to the scene to start search and rescue work. Three hours later, another 1,440 firefighters, more than 3,000 public security, armed police, People's Liberation Army and medical teams arrived, and 1,603 firefighters from surrounding provinces were also on standby. Over 10,000 folding beds and quilts, more than 2,000 tents, and 1,000 stoves were also transported to the gathering place for victims within hours of the earthquake. Multiple private rescue teams were also dispatched one after another. The first to arrive was the Gansu Blue Sky Rescue Team, which had participated in the Jiuzhaigou earthquake and Turkey earthquake rescue. 30 team members packed up their equipment and gathered in Lanzhou to head to the disaster site only half an hour after the earthquake. Many catering companies also donated supplies as soon as possible. After the earthquake in the early morning, all the victims received eggs, milk, meat buns and other breakfasts after dawn, and the resettlement sites even prepared hot beef soup to ward off the cold. The country has set aside RMB 250 million for emergency response, and power has basically been restored in all earthquake areas 20 hours after the earthquake. Since the national master's degree admissions examination will be held this weekend, even the Ministry of Education has mobilized urgently to contact 1,240 candidates in the disaster area to follow up on the examination matters. In the earthquake in Gansu this time, we saw not only the speed of China, but also the mobilization power of the people. It turns out that the people's hearts are the greatest national strength of a country.
患難見真情,災難顯能力。一個國家管治力、動員力有多強,經歷一次大災難就會見真章。 12月18日晚上11時59分,大家好夢正酣的時候,甘肅臨夏州積石山縣發生6.2級地震。當時氣溫零下十多度,平時我們常聽說地震後最佳拯救時間是黃金72小時,但原來極端天氣下拯救時間只剩24小時,於是,如何在天寒地凍下與時間競賽,絕對是大考驗。 甘肅消防總隊580人、88輛消防車、12頭搜索犬第一時間趕到現場展開搜救工作。3小時後,再有1440消防員、3000多名公安、武警、解放軍及醫療隊趕到,周邊省份亦有1603名消防員候命。過萬張折疊床和棉被、2千多個帳篷、1千個火爐亦在震後幾小時運到災民聚集處。 多個民間救援隊亦相繼出動,最早抵達的是曾參與九寨溝地震、土耳其地震救援的甘肅藍天救援隊,30個隊員在地震發生後僅半小時就拖上裝備在蘭州集合出發往災場。 多間餐飲企業亦第一時間捐物資,凌晨地震,天亮後災民已全部領到雞蛋、牛奶、肉夾饃等早餐,安置點更備熱牛肉湯給災民驅寒。 國家緊急撥備2.5億應急,震後20小時所有地震區基本上已恢復電力。 由於全國碩士研究生招生考試是在今個週末舉行,於是連教育部也緊急出動,跟災區1240名考生聯繫上,跟進考試事宜。 今次甘肅地震我們看到不僅是中國速度,更是民間一呼百應的動員力,原來,人心才是一個國家最大的國力.

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