Attorney Todd Callender & Lisa McGee – Truth Be Told – They are Trafficking our DNA

5 months ago

Previously, I mentioned the movie “In Time” where money was on a digital wrist band and when you run completely out of money, you die… movie with Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried in 2011. I made a reference of comparing this movie with what they are doing and this conversation with Todd Calander and Lisa McGee kind of confirm this.\

Lisa McGee says that they have hacked into our unique cell frequencies. Our bodies make up it’s own digital code which is our DNA. Lisa says they are trafficking our DNA. They are trafficking our entire genetic makeup. The mRNA vaccines make us Patentable. Humans cannot be patented. Whatever is in these things transforms us enough that they no longer call us humans. Now we can literally be owned. We will be property. They will have a patent on us. We are their chattel. We can be dispensed and disposed. There main objective is to turn us into Transhuman Slaves.

The Department of Energy morphed out of the Manhattan Project (1942-47), so they come from a dark mindset on destruction in the first place and they are all about mutations and poisoning people. According to Lisa, they are tracking and keeping data on 475 lab pathogens.

Everything has a Frequency and frequencies can be fought with frequencies. They are constantly trying to change the frequencies of our body to synch us with their wireless prison platform. They do this by poisoning our food, medicine, air and water. This creates very low vibrations of the body. If we have clean bodies, I don’t believe they can they can achieve their objectives. They will not win. Frequency and Magnetism are Energies. The most powerful and pure energy is LOVE.

We have to be aware of this though. Consciousness of light and dark will allow us to make a conscious decision of which one to choose. Enlightenment and awakening is very important to undo all of this. We do not have to agree to this bullshit.

Other Topics Discussed:

1. The entire cabinet of our government has not taken the constitutional oath and they are trying to dissolve our country.

2. We need to opt out of the WHO and CDC.

3. Argentina might have good leadership and they are moving to the US dollar which is making it worth MORE.

4. Genetically Modified Humans -if our body has Spike Proteins we are owned by DHHS.

5. Vaccine Induced AIDS.

6. Converting us into Cryptocurrency Mining Machines.

7. The Digitization of Humanity – they are hacking into our biological code.

8. Vaccines Destroy our T-cells which fight cancer and replace them with Synthetic B-cells. Just as Bill Gates had the Microsolft Software, he created the Virus that would infect it, so he could make money on both ends. They are doing the SAME to us.

9. 2000 - Vero Cells – African Green Monkey Cells were placed in vaccines. Remember the SV-40 in the Polio Shots that caused cancer, same shit here. This cell line is Zoonotic – meaning it can be transferred from Humans to Animals or from Animals to Humans. They did this under “influence” from a Demonic Entity as these Kidney Monkey Cells come from and “Old World Species” – dealing with “old world pathogens.” Vero Cells discovered in 1962 and used because the Female African Green Monkey was infected by a Virus and it carries it from generation to generation. When they take these cells they are “PRE-Contaminated with a Zoonotic Virus.” They can also mutate on their own. They have been INTENTIONALLY putting this f*cking shit in Vaccines. They have been working on them since the 1960’s, crafting and mutating them. These Vero Cells are soaked in Environmental Contaminants to enhance their pathologic abilities. VERO Cells are in almost ALL of childhood Vaccines. It gets better. They are not only in vaccines, but the Coronavirus Patent in 2007, the VERY SAME virus that was released on humanity, was made with these “Immortal Cells.” They made the Coronaviurs so it produces Vero E-6 cells which are mutant viral virulent production cells. *Note the word “Immortal Cells” – meaning cells that are difficult to kill and are VERY contagious. The Vero Cells are categorized, such as Vero E6 and Vero E-7. The pathogens that are going IN vaccines are Bar Coded, meaning they can be tracked and traced. Each cell line is programmed – or lab created to be destructive to the human body in different ways, so they can put one cell line in on Jab which will cause a different symptom. If they made them all identical, the medical field may connect the dots. So, they all are created with specificity and have their own destructive role to perform. *Remember, these have been studied now for 60 years. It’s not like they just created this shit 20 years ago, they KNOW 100% what they are doing. SO, they have been Bar Coded and they also have IP Addresses to Microsoft. If you study the WBAN and how the Covid Jabs contained the Nano-Meta-materials to form Biosensors in specific locations withing the body, you will understand that this is not only possible, but this is what is going on. The purpose of the Covid Jabs were to connect everyone to the Private Cloud so they can create a Digital Twin and put you in the “Metaverse.” Sound Sci-Fi? It’s TRUE. There is a Public Medical Field and there is a Private Medical field with “club members” only. We ain’t in the club. This is called Transhumanism 2.0, that’s seriously the term they use. It is to convert you to the Digital World. You are now the Property of the Patent Holders. DoD documents revealed a US lab in the Ukraine that focused specifically on Bar Coding the Pathogens. These labs are not “funded” by the US, but were “DONATED” by the US Government. The Agricultural / Livestock Vaccines are bar coded also. Not only that, they have the fungus and molds for the soil meticulously cataloged. *Note: This is a HUGE for Profit Business. The Bar Coding is also cataloging what has been sold, who was the buyer, date of sale, etc. MAC Addresses are also included. You have MAC Addresses and IP Addresses and Bar Codes in the bodies of the vaccinated. This had nothing to do with health. You have Biosensors, with two way communication, dealing TERRAHERTZ Bandwidth, that can transfer data at over 1 Million MB per Second to a Super Quantum Computer. I recall when the just 1 mb/sec was considered fast. BUT, we were lied to about this also, as Quantum Computing was also available over 50 years ago, so at the time they were promoting their Super Fast 1 mb per second technology, they had technology that could transfer data at over 1 Million mb per second. The public is in a matrix of lies. Reality has been inverted. It goes so much further than this also. This is just the surface of what’s going on.

10. 2003 – DHHS – they have the patent to a soluble coronavirus spike protein. Dealing with nanotechnology and partnerships with Microsoft and IBM. It is a programmed software. We are now hackable.

11. 2004 – Project Bioshield – opened the floodgates to bioweapons. They have set it up so we are the Bioweapons ourselves. Yes, we the people are the bioweapons according to our fucked up government. They are trying to make us PRODUCE viruses internally. We are producing their diseases and products.

TRUTH BE TOLD -- Vaxxchoice --
nonvaxer420 --

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