Christmas Dinner (Wu Ji) & Dessert Homemade from scratch : )

5 months ago

Homegrown Wu Ji Black Silkie" 乌鸡汤 Chickens with Goji Berries/Ginger Root for our Christmas Dinner. Also Garlic Herb Purple Potatoes Au Gratin/Globe Artichoke Hearts, Parsnips, Stuffed Peppers, Purple Yams, Avocado Sprout Salad and for Dessert.... a Homemade Cranberry Apple Strawberry Pie, with a healthier handcrushed nut crust (via mortar & pestle).

Here is a link to my video where I processed "The Silkie Chickens"

Other than that, hope everyone had a lovely Christmas!!!

With another year coming to a close already, Happy New Year 2024, may it be a better year for us all! Keep happy, HEALTHY, SAFE, positive, informed and free. Remember, #UNITEDweStandInFREEDOM against the current Global Communism Agenda.

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MOFI Forum.

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