How do I refute the notion that cannabis produces substantial unwanted psychological effects

5 months ago

Refuting the notion that cannabis produces substantial unwanted psychological effects? Research, included my TEDx talk may be the key.

Check out all things around my TEDx talk at
A national discussion is needed. There is way too much emotion without looking at facts and the research. Shooting from the hip is ok in a western movie, but not acceptable in the medical profession.
My goal is to help lead the discussions and would welcome people from all sides to send me questions and potential podcast guest on my podcast at
In today’s question there are many facets to cannabis, and stereotyping is one of the biggest hurdles to cross. My question video and full TEDx talk are embedded below. Also listed is some of my research links and articles I have written.

The following is an automatic transcription and has been edited only for grammar.
What's the advantage of suddenly with stress? It gets in your body a lot faster. You don't have to smoke it, so it doesn't damage your lungs. You don't have vapors, damage your lungs, throat, mouth, and all that type of stuff. And it doesn't go through what's called first pass; it has to go through the liver first. So it's a lot cleaner, a lot safer way of doing it.

It's faster, and there's no smoking involved. So it's awesome. Was the typical activation time for Southern well strips compared to other forms of oral stuff that you will do?

So gummies, brownies, cookies, and stuff like that. 30 to 45 minutes for you. Getting functional activation strips will take anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes. Just depends. So, under the tongue or on the cheek, if you put them on your tongue, you will swallow most of it. So, under the tongue or on the cheek in the front of the gums also works like a dip. But that's that's how we do that one.

How do I refute the notion that cannabis produces substantial unwanted psychological effects? Because all of the research that says it does is bullshit. It is hilarious. I read one about how it causes schizophrenia.

What the problem was is that when you read the research, like we had these six people, and they like cannabis, and they'll end up with schizophrenia when they got older. So, you know, is that the cause? It did not discuss any psychological trauma. It did not discuss any genetics. Ron So, like, did the parents have it? Do the grandparents have it or have schizophrenia?

There were no studies beforehand. They were just like, hey, we found these kids, and they ended up with schizophrenia, and they liked cannabis. Okay, Yeah. So you took a thousand kids. They all ate cannabis. Six or seven ended up schizophrenic, and you single those guys out and say it was because of the cannabis. I

It's trash. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. There is no real research that shows any deficits because of cannabis. All the ones are trying to say, Well, you know what? These kids smoked a lot of pot when they were 13, and now they're dumb.

Okay. But many people I know who were smart when they were 13 are dumb now because they didn't apply themselves. So, trying to say that it was because of the cannabis is foolish. I have tons of people that I know who I think are really smart lawyers and doctors and engineers who've been using cannabis since they were teenagers.

So, I have not seen any research, and I read it all the time, and I would 100% not get into it and put my name behind it. If I had read research that said that it did anything negative. One thing we see a lot is if people like it, they like the way they are the person they are in it.

They like the way they feel. They think that they're calmer, more relaxed, laugh easier, and think, hey, those qualities are something I want in my life. That was my decision. I like the person I am when I'm on cannabis.

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