S07E10 - From Hacker Origins to Security Innovator with Greg Martin

4 months ago

In this captivating episode of the RSnake Show, we sit down with Greg Martin, a trailblazer in the world of information security. Greg takes us through his intriguing journey, starting from his days of exploring bulletin board systems, IRC, and the early hacking scene – experiences that resonate with many in the cybersecurity field.

Greg shares his unique experiences working alongside the FBI and Secret Service to track down hackers, revealing the pivotal role he played in bridging the gap between underground hacking and law enforcement. We then pivot to his entrepreneurial ventures, diving into the story of founding Anomali, the challenges he faced in hiring a replacement CEO, and the birth of his latest venture, Ghost Security. This part of our conversation sheds light on the trials and tribulations of a cybersecurity entrepreneur.

But there's more – Greg introduces us to Reaper, an innovative security testing tool developed by his team, and discusses the current landscape of security investing. This episode is not just a conversation; it's a deep dive into the evolution of cybersecurity through the lens of a seasoned expert and entrepreneur. Join us as we unravel the layers of Greg Martin's fascinating story.

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