Article 4486 Video - About Global Bilateral Banks - Commerce v Maritime Commerce By Anna Von Reitz

5 months ago

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Article 4486 Video - About Global Bilateral Banks - Commerce v Maritime Commerce - Sunday, November 19, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Observation: The Global (Family Bank) launch is using the Federation as endorsement for the services. Your photograph, several written articles, and The Great Seal are being used to provide leverage promoting the launch?

From 1776 to 1781 our Federation of States conducted all international trade and commercial transactions for our fledgling government. Thanks to the failure of the Confederation and the Federal Republic, we are obliged to undertake these same responsibilities now.

This requires the Federation to work "bilaterally" in both worlds -- the world of international trade and the global world of commerce. For our convenience and to expedite services, it makes sense for us to create and operate a bilateral banking system on a global scale.

In our new banking system we pair our member International Trade Banks, which trade in physical assets like gold and silver, with our land jurisdiction Commercial Banks, which deal in "commercial paper" -- stocks, bonds, certificates, etc.

We have chartered this system and the individual pairs of banks in the system, to work together synergistically and cooperatively on a worldwide basis.

Our aim is to provide a comprehensive and transparent banking system that everyone has access to, everyone understands, and everyone can safely use. Our International Trade Banks promote and expedite Free Trade, our land jurisdiction Commercial Banks are subject to the Law of the Land.

While we, as a Federation, also have to deal in Maritime Commerce, most people never have cause to do so and are better off avoiding the deep seas and tricky shoals these foreign banks navigate.

Most Americans don't even know that there is any difference between Maritime Commerce and plain Commerce conducted on the land.

Unfortunately, ninety percent of the world's banking institutions have been secretly and unlawfully converted into banks operating in Maritime Commerce, which has resulted in monopolistic market conditions and has forced average people into this foreign and dangerous financial environment for lack of any other option.

We chartered The Global Family International Trade Bank and its affiliated land jurisdiction Commercial Bank as an alternative. Within the Global framework, we also chartered The American States and Nations International Trade Bank and the ASAN Commercial Bank, to specifically serve the needs of our States.

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